DH students have the possibility to choose courses outside of the courses listed in the Options Group.
Academic year 2022/23 and after: Maximum number of authorized credits outside of the study plan: 15 ECTS
All previous years: Maximum authorized credits outside of the study plan: 8 ECTS
Before registering to outside of the study plan courses, please get auhorisation from the DH Section.
- Please submit your request to the section, indicating the title of the course, the number of credits, and the link to the course description.
- Once you have received authorization, you can register for the course in IS-Academia by searching for it under “Other subjects”.
Please note that it will be your responsibility to organize your weekly schedule to attend the class, as well as to take the exam. A schedule overlap cannot be ruled out.
Options for out of study plan courses
EPFL courses from other sections
Please note that some sections (e.g., MTE) have limited-seat capacity reserved for their own students only. If this is the case, you will not be able to register for these courses.
EPFL Doctoral School courses
If you wish to take a Doctoral School course, you will first need to get the OK from the Professor teaching the course. Once you have the authorisation, please check with the DH section (procedure mentioned above).
Once you have both approvals you can register for the class. For this, please send an e-mail to Student Services for them to enroll you.
Please note that some courses have limited-seat capacity. In this case, you will not be allowed to register for these courses.
UNIL courses
DH Master students can take a selection of UNIL courses outside of the study plan as part of the options group.
Courses at UNIL are all given in French.
Please contact the DH section for information of which courses are pre-authorised.
For any other courses you wish to follow at UNIL, please make a request to the DH Section before registering.
Registering for UNIL courses
Please click here to access the EPFL SAC page that tells you how to register to these courses from EPFL side. Please see “Subjects outside of the study plan”.
For UNIL, please follow these steps:
For classes in the “Faculté des lettres”:
Complete the form « Inscription d’un étudiant externe » available on this page and send it to: info-lettres@unil.ch
For classes in the “Faculté des Sciences sociales et politiques”:
Complete the two forms: « Formulaire d’inscription à un enseignement pour les étudiant·e·s qui ne peuvent s’inscrire via internet » and « Formulaire d’inscription à une évaluation pour les étudiant·e·s qui ne peuvent s’inscrire via internet » available on this page and send them to: ssp@unil.ch
More information on registration to courses
For more details and information on registration to courses and exams, click here.