DH Teaching Award

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The DH Section awarded the “Best Teaching” award for the first time in 2023 aiming at acknowledging the achievements of the DH Faculty. This award is a token of recognition for a colleague who has dedicated several years to excellent teaching, and emphasizes the spirit of celebrating our colleagues’ contributions without implying superiority over others.

Daniel Gatica-Perez
Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez’s teaching goal is to help students succeed. His teaching ideas are guided by observing the benefits students gain from working on specific topics while developing skills like creative thinking, decision-making, clear communication, and teamwork.

Jérôme Baudry
The winner of 2023 best teacher award in the EPFL digital humanities section, takes students on a journey between past and present – with a detour up Mont Buet. He believes that knowing something about the history of science and engineering is essential to understanding who we are as humans.
To determine the recipient of the award, the Section has established a set of guidelines. The eligibility criteria stipulate that only teachers who have taught a Digital Humanities (DH) class for a minimum of three years are eligible. A teacher cannot receive the prize in consecutive editions. If the Section Director is nominated, the teacher who won the award the previous year becomes a member of the selection committee to avoid any possible conflict of interest.
The evaluation process involves the student class delegates suggesting three names through a self-defined process. Each nominee is accompanied by at least one paragraph written by the class delegates, explaining the reasons for their selection. The Section assesses the evaluations of these three teachers, considering indicative feedback and in-depth evaluations conducted over the past three years. Based on this comprehensive review, the Section makes the final decision.