DH Advisory Board
At EPFL each section has an advisory board comprised of experts representing fields where its graduates are likely to work, whether in industry, academia or the public sector. The boards provide recommendations on the design and improvement of degree programs.
DH Advisory Board Members (2023/2024)
Leonard Bouchet – Head of Data and Archives – RTS
Déborah Papiernik – Senior Vice President New Business & Strategic Alliances – Ubisoft
Cultural Institutions
Delphine Friedman – Directrice – Archives Cantonales Vaudoises
Néguine Mathieux – Directrice de la recherche et des collections – Le Louvre
Humanitarian Sector
Fiona Terry – Head of the Centre for Operational Research and Experience (the CORE) – ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
Prof. Jeffrey Schnapp – Harvard University
DH Teaching Committee
Teaching Committees propose, in accordance with the Directive on School councils and the directives of the Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs, the study plans and implementing regulations for study evaluation for their respective Section. They assess the implementation of study plans and study evaluation and propose improvements or adjustments. They deal with routine matters relating to studies.They give their opinion to the School direction on all teaching matters. They advise the Section Directors.
They meet at least once every semester, as convened by their chairperson or at the request of three of their members.
DH Teaching Committee Members 2024/2025
- President
- Daniel Gatica-Perez – DH Section Director
- Section Deputy
- Kathleen Collins
- Professors
- Jérôme Baudry
Mathieu Salzmann - PhD Student
- Alex Rusnak
- DH Students
- Daniele Belfiore
Yasmine Kroknes-Gomez
Yi Ren