SHS Prize

The SHS program ends with the first Master year. Master students complete then an individual or group project, which carries 6 coefficients, thus representing 10% of the yearly workload. Those projects’ diversity shows what curiosity and interest future engineers and researchers have by encountering human and social sciences.

Every Master course teacher can, at the end of the school year, put forward one of the students’ Master project for its quality, originality or audacity. The SHS Prize is then assigned to one or several of the suggested projects, and is awarded the day before the Master Graduation Day.

Information about prizes for EPFL students

Information about the SHS Prize

Past years’ awards:

“Un futur peu enviable ? La perte de notre libre-arbitre dans un système ultra normé” by Marc Domenjoz, Matthieu Gachet, Juliette Hars and Lucas Romano. Course : HUM-463 « Hommes/machines » (Dominique Kunz Westerhoff / François Rosset).

> Link to the movie “Rupture”
> Link to the making-of (« Soutenance projet SHS Hommes/machines »)

“Lab on Top, Horace-Bénédict de Saussure’s Laboratory of Nature” by Medya Tekes, Gabriele Furlan et Lukas C. van den Heuvel. Course: HUM-466 “Experimental history of science” (Simon Dumas-Primbault et Ion-Gabriel Mihailescu)

“Mending the Broken Cycle: Tapping into Old Computers’ Potential” by Charlyne Bürki, Constantin Decaux, Matteo Pariset and Antoine Gory. Course : “Economic growth and sustainability” (Philippe Thalmann).

“Danish Language Requirements’ Role on the Socio-economic Integration of Migrants” by Léandre Tarpin-Pitre, Rachel Lee Jia Fang and Nikolina Tomic. Course : “Governing Global Migration” (Madeleine Dungy)

Ex-aequo with :

“A trade-off between growth and sustainability – an inquiry into the role of trade in Chile’s development” by Nora Joos, Stanislas Jouven and Balz Marty. Course “ Economic growth and sustainability” (Philippe Thalmann)

“Etude de la perception de la présence chinoise en Afrique par les médias” by Simon Bérard, Marie Majeux and Sophie Paladini. Course: “Chine: la renaissance d’une grand puissance” (Antoine Kernen).

“Les enjeux de la machine pensante : Frankenstein et Ex machina” by Luca Lavalle, Malik Ben Nour and Slobodan Krstić. Course: “Hommes/Machines” (Dominique Kunz Westerhoff).

“Mémoire médiatique et mémoire individuelle” by Valentin Bandelier, Benjamin Favre and Loïc Gebhard. Course: “La recherche dans tous ses états” (Delphine Preissmann).

“Les licences Creative Commons: une alternative à la protection des oeuvres ?” by Alexandre Sikiaridis. Course: “Droit et Technique” (Anne Juliette Bonzon, Maximilien Stauber).

Ex-aequo with :

“Women in Swiss Corporate Boards: on the Way to Empowerment” by Sivia Cordero-Morales, Laureline Hentgen and Bonifacio Goncalo Cardoso Rodrigues. Course: “Understanding Modern Switzerland” (Stéphanie Ginalski).

“Créativité et imitation dans la Chine contemporaine” by Laura Piccinini and Alicia Gayout. Course: “Chine: la renaissance d’une grande puissance” (Antoine Kernen, Antoine Guex).

“Nietzsche, a digital biography” by Orlin Topalov and Vojtech Vit. Course: “Digital Humanities” (Frederic Kaplan).

“Les motivations sous-jacentes aux buts de performance comme prédicteurs des comportements sociaux” by Kevin Fahrni, Martin Jobin, David Nguyen, Ha-Phong Nguyen and Hamza Sehaqui. Course: “Psychologie sociale” (Nicolas Sommet, Fabrizio Butera).

“Study of Facebook impact on EPFL master students’ social integration and campus integration” by Stefan Apostol, Radu-Cristian Ionescu, Cristian Talau and Martin Vogel. Course: “Emotions, self and social cognition” (Christine Mohr, Yann Schrag).

“Space-Time Substantialism and the Hole Argument” by Clément Alexandre Bonnerot and Fabrizio Rompineve Sorbello. Course: “Philosophical perspectives on the exact sciences and their history” (Michael Esfeld, Matthias Egg).

“Responsabilité de l’Etat et de l’ingénieur en cas de dangers naturels” by Silvia Oppliger, Michaël Rusconi and Christine Wiedmann. Course: “Droit et technique” (Fabia Jungo).

“Le Cycle des Robots” d’Isaac Asimov, Tomes 1 et 2. Analyse Textuelle et discussion de sources documentaires” by Thierry Favre, Monica Perrenoud and Dimitri Zaganidis. Course: “Hommes-Machines” (Dominique Kunz Westerhoff).