Social Sciences and Humanities (SHS) Program

The SHS program is an integral part of all study plans at EPFL, from the first year of a Bachelor’s degree to the first year of the Master’s degree. It offers students a great freedom of choice, from around 150 courses that cover a wide range of humanities and social sciences.

Among these courses, 18 are also open to UNIL students, 5 of them on a permanent basis.

Courses’ timetables

BA 1st year propedeutic, spring: Tuesday 5.15 pm-7 pm
BA semester 3 and 4: Tuesday 3.15 pm-5 pm
BA semester 5 and 6: Tuesday 1.15 pm-3 pm
Master semester 1 and 2: Wednesday 4.15 pm-7 pm
> Download the SHS 2022-2023 course brochure (pdf)

→ Search for SHS course

Study plans:

→ List of SHS teachers

→ Practical information

→ SHS Contact

Testimonials from students and teachers

[FR] SHSKENDITU? : The SHS programme explained by students

College of Humanities set out to meet a number of students to find out more about the SHS and their views on the subject.

Foucault’s pendulum: demonstrating the Earth’s rotation!

As part of the “Experimental History of Science” course, students reproduced Léon Foucault’s 1851 experiment at the Panthéon in Paris in the MED hall. The aim was to study the experiment and compare the opinions of spectators nearly two centuries apart!

> Other student videos from SHS courses