Magazine H

Graphic Design: Blaise Magnenat
Launched in May 2024, this publication marks the beginning of a new CDH strategy aimed at helping EPFL students face the challenges of the 21st century, notably by exploring the intersection of hyperscience and hyperreality.
It covers questions such as:
- What is the future of journalism in the age of generative artificial intelligence?
- How can we develop sustainable solutions by imagining new approaches to design?
- How can we use immense amounts of data about the past to make better decisions about the future?
- How can we act ethically and in solidarity in a world segmented into antinomic and inconsistent visions?
Why “H”?
“H” is first and foremost about the Humanities, through the research carried out by CDH, the courses taught in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SHS) program developed with the University of Lausanne, and the courses we offer in Digital Humanities, including a Master’s degree, a Minor, and a Doctoral program.
“H” also references our mission, “Expanding Horizons”. To understand the phenomena with which they are confronted, students need to broaden their spatial and temporal perception. This embrace of broader perspectives enables them to develop concepts and ideas that are not biased by a single narrow point of view.
Lastly, and specifically for this first edition, “H” refers to two major cross-disciplinary transformations in the field of knowledge: Hyperscience and Hyperreality.
> Read Frédéric Kaplan’s interview about this new publication