CDH News

© 2024 EPFL / Laboratory for Experimental Museology (EM+) - CC-BY-SA 4.0

3D visualization brings nuclear fusion to life

— EPFL was selected by the EUROfusion consortium to develop an advanced visualization system for a preliminary process in nuclear fusion. The system is designed to turn reams of simulation and testing data into real-time graphics worthy of today’s advanced video games.

© 2024 EPFL

H, a new publication to expand the horizons of EPFL students

— A new publication from the College of Humanities, “H”, part magazine, part biannual report, has just launched. We spoke to CDH Director Frédéric Kaplan about the origin of this publication and the meaning of “H”.

© Yannis Rochat, 2024 EPFL CDH

A new Minor at EPFL in Digital Humanities, Media and Society

— With the contribution of a new Minor aimed at all EPFL Master's students, the College of Humanities (CDH) encourages students from all backgrounds to delve deeper into the essential aspects of our contemporary world in connection with media and culture.

© 2024 EPFL/Alain Herzog - CC-BY-SA 4.0

“I want to give students a toolbox for identifying ethical issues”

— Johan Rochel, a philosopher who holds a PhD in law, is an EPFL scientist working to develop teaching resources on philosophy and the ethics and law of technology. In 2023, he received a DRIL Grant to make a series of videos for the EPFL community, which came out in March 2024, and began teaching a course on The Ethics and Law of Artificial Intelligence.

© 2024 Yannis Rochat/EPFL

Musical performance questions invention versus imitation

— On Friday May 17, there will be a performance of two pianos at the Rolex Learning Center: one will be played by pianist and composer Richard Rentsch, the other by an AI program SOMAX. The musical collaboration, and subsequent roundtable, explores what kind of collaboration is possible between two entities that make music when one is human and the other is AI.

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