IAGS Publications


Towards a critical anthropology of the (de)creative turn in heritage

P. B. Larsen; F. G. Bideau 

Anthropological Theory. 2024-02-26. DOI : 10.1177/14634996241227272.


A data structure for scientific models of historical cities: extending the CityJSON format

B. Vaienti; P. Guhennec; I. di Lenardo 

2022-11-11. 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Humanities, Seattle, Washington, November 1, 2022. p. 20-23. DOI : 10.1145/3557919.3565813.

The resistance of stone: thick and fragmented urban collective memory in Gulou

F. Graezer Bideau 

Digitalization of Memory in China, Bonn, Germany, 21-22 September 2022.

Mega Event Reinforced Industrial Heritage Transformation: A typological matrix between narratives and practices

F. Graezer Bideau; H. Deng 

TICCIH 2022 Industrial Heritage Reloaded, Montreal, Canada, 28 August – 3 September 2022.

Avalanche et UNESCO : rien à voir ?

F. Graezer Bideau 

Festival International du Film Alpin (FIFAD), Diablerets, Suisse, August 13-20, 2022.

China’s extended urbanization driven by the ‘consumption city’ in the context of financialized ecological civilization

T. Theurillat; F. Graezer Bideau 

Transactions in Planning and Urban Research. 2022-07-20. Vol. 1, num. 1, p. 1-15. DOI : 10.1177/27541223221101720.

Porter le temps: mémoires urbaines du Locle et de la Chaux-de-Fonds

F. Graezer Bideau 

The production of urban memory: an interdisciplinary roundtable, Milano, Italy, May 26, 2022.

Uses of Cultural Heritage: The iconic case of Shougang

F. Graezer Bideau 

Dialogue on Winter Olympic Games. From Beijing to Milan: Design Innovations for Sustainability, Virtual Event, May 12, 2022.

Le Locle/La Chaux-de-Fonds: Public histories and industrial heritage in contemporary cities

F. Graezer Bideau; F. De Pieri 

Open Fields Lunch–Productive habitats, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 14, 2022.

Governance of Heritage and Creativity: an introductory framework

F. Graezer Bideau; P. B. Larsen 

Governing Heritage and Creativity: frictions, avenues and questions, Rome, Italy, April 4-5, 2022.

Shougang ou la nouvelle icône du patrimoine industriel chinois

F. Graezer Bideau; T. Theurillat 


Comment les nouvelles technologies peuvent-elles contribuer à la valorisation du patrimoine culturel dans les pays émergeants ?

F. Graezer Bideau; P. B. Larsen 

Salon des Technologies et de l’Innovation de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2022-03-10.

JO de Pékin: l’urbanisation des montagnes par le tourisme

F. Graezer Bideau; T. Theurillat 


Rumba congolaise et enjeux de l’inscription au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’UNESCO

F. Graezer Bideau; P. Bizet 

Table ronde at the Black Movies Festival, Genève, 27.01.2022.

«Cinq siècles de Rochat valent bien une abbaye», chronique du 500e anniversaire de la famille en 1980

L. A. A. Rappo 

Les Rochat, de la famille comtoise à la tribu vaudoise. L’histoire; Infolio, 2022-11-25. p. 616.

Beijing Olympics as Drivers of New Places for Consumption: Promotion of New Lifestyle and Cultural Heritage

F. Graezer Bideau; T. Theurillat; Y. Liu 

Beijing22 – Speculative Grounds: Positions on Beijing’s transformation; Zurich: tria publishing platform, Zurich–Beijing, 2022.


Les anthropologues face aux “traditions vivantes”: l’exemple suisse

F. Graezer Bideau 

Colloque international Nommer / Normer : Approches pluridisciplinaires du patrimoine culturel immatériel, Paris, France, November 25-26, 2021.

Generic Semantic Segmentation of Historical Maps

R. G. Petitpierre; F. Kaplan; I. Di Lenardo 

2021-11-17. CHR 2021: Computational Humanities Research Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 17-19, 2021. p. 228-248.

Reframing Heritage, Creativity and Innovation

F. Graezer Bideau; P. B. Larsen 

Heritage, Creativity and Innovation Nexus: an international workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 4-5, 2021.

La Suisse en inventaire : politiques de sauvegarde du PCI

F. Graezer Bideau 

Patrimoine culturel immatériel : Cadres international et national, réseaux, territoires, Vitré, France, 12-13 octobre 2021.

“China intends to fill the void in a world characterized by a vacuum of values”

L. Pousaz; F. Graezer Bideau 


Beijing Winter Olympic Games 2022: ecological civilization as a new step for extended urbanization to enhance consumption

F. Graezer Bideau; T. Theurillat 

The 2021 annual conference of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 21 on Urban and Regional Development (RC21 Conference): Sensing the city, [Online edition] Antwerpen, Belgium, July 14-16, 2021.

Explorer la micropolitique de transformation à Pékin : le patrimoine culturel vu à travers le prisme de la mémoire collective d’un quartier historique

F. Graezer Bideau 

Assises de l’Anthropologie des Mondes Chinois, Paris, France, Juin 16-18, 2021.

Une pluralité des formes patrimoniales pour une reconnaissance sur les listes de l’UNESCO, 2002-2020

F. Graezer Bideau 

Porter le temps. Mémoires urbaines d’un site horologer; Genève: MētisPresses, 2021-06-11.

Porter le temps. Mémoires urbaines d’un site horloger

F. De Pieri; F. Graezer Bideau 

Genève: MētisPresses, 2021-06-11.

Nurturing the socialist spiritual civilization: Interplay between anthropology and politics

F. Graezer Bideau 

Swiss Anthropological Association Annual Meeting Reviewing “the field”: contemporary debates and approaches to fieldwork, Ascona, Switzerland, April 22-24, 2021.

Property rights redistribution and the spatial evolution of the Chinese danwei compound: a case study in Beijing

M. Zhang; T. Zhang; Z. Xiao; Y. Chai 

Journal Of Housing And The Built Environment. 2021-01-15. Vol. 36, p. 1585–1602. DOI : 10.1007/s10901-020-09810-z.

Cultivating public space and yangge dance

F. Graezer Bideau 

Symposium XJTLU Public Space Forum, Suzhou, PRC, Live Zoom Event,

Historical City Maps Semantic Segmentation Dataset

R. Petitpierre 


Le marché foncier à Corsier-sur-Vevey à la fin de l’Ancien Régime : la place de la parenté et du voisinage

L. A. A. Rappo 

La propriété foncière et immobilière. Modèles, pratiques, enjeux économiques, sociaux et écologiques. Journée Annuelle de la Société suisse d‘histoire économique et sociale 2021 en collaboration avec la Société suisse d’histoire rurale, Online, 03.09.2021.

Analyzing geospatial networks under the Ancien Régime and the early 19th century: marriage, godparenthood and economic relationships in Corsier-sur-Vevey (Switzerland)

L. A. A. Rappo 

Historical Network Research conference „Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke“ 2021, On Line, 30.06.2021-02.07.2021.

Beijing from below stories of marginalized lives in the capitals center by Harriet Evans

F. Graezer Bideau 

The China Quarterly. 2021. Vol. 248, p. 1234-1236. DOI : 10.1017/S0305741021001272.

Heritage as new social engineering in China: a re-colonializing perspective

F. Graezer Bideau 

Heritage and Decoloniality: the Geneva exchanges, Geneva, Suisse, October 21-22, 2021.

Places in Common: An Ethnography of Public Gatherings in China

F. Graezer Bideau 

China Perspectives. 2021. num. 3, p. 75-76.

Temporalité et savoirs urbains: une recherche située autour d’un processus patrimonial

F. De Pieri; F. Graezer Bideau 

Porter le temps. Mémoires urbaines d’un site horologer; Genève: MētisPresses, 2021-06-11.

Re-creating Memories of Gulou: Three Temporalities and Emotions

F. Graezer Bideau; H. Yan 

People-Centered Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachment to Historic Urban Places; London and New York: Routledge, 2021.


The Advent of the 4D Mirror World

F. Kaplan; I. di Lenardo 

Urban Planning. 2020-06-30. Vol. 5, num. 2, p. 307. DOI : 10.17645/up.v5i2.3133.

The Social Life of Heritage-Making: Cultural Representations and Frictions

F. Graezer Bideau 

The Heritage Turn in China. The Reinvention, Dissemination and Consumption of Heritage; Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020-06-16. p. 314.

Le rôle des experts dans la création de l’inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel en Suisse

F. Graezer Bideau 

Le patrimoine culturel immatériel au seuil des sciences sociales. Actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle, septembre 2012; Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2020-05-12. p. 324.

Le maker, construction d’une figure politique de l’innovation en Chine urbaine

F. Graezer Bideau; C. L. G. Renaud 

EspacesTemps.net. 2020-02-28.  p. 24 pages. DOI : 10.26151/espacestemps.net-t0f8-r859.

Developing interdisciplinary and intercultural skills in engineers through short-term field experiences

J. G. Martin; F. G. Bideau; E. Hoesli; M. Laperrouza; R. Tormey 

Informacios Tarsadalom. 2020-01-01. Vol. 20, num. 2, p. 9-18. DOI : 10.22503/inftars.XX.2020.2.1.

Innovators in Urban China: Makerspaces and Marginality with Impact

M. Bolli 

Urban Planning. 2020-10-14. Vol. 5, num. 4, p. 68-77. DOI : 10.17645/up.v5i4.3218.

La mémoire collective et l’espace. Traces, récits et expériences autour d’un paysage urbain romain

L. Bordone / F. Graezer Bideau; F. De Pieri (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 

Planning: from model to modules

F. Graezer Bideau 

Realtime: making digital China; Lausanne: EPFL Press, 2020.

Realtime: making digital China


Lausanne: EPFL Press, 2020.

Liminality, Ephemerality, and Marginality with Impact Makerspaces in the Chinese Urban Fabric: Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing, and Addis Ababa

M. S. Bolli / F. Graezer Bideau (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 


Ville éphémère : la Fête des Vignerons aujourd’hui et demain

F. Graezer Bideau; L. Ortelli 

Ecosystème de Lavaux. Lavaux Patrimoine mondial, Grandvaux, Suisse, November 5, 2019.

Cultural heritage, leisure and Beijing Olympic Winter Games 2022

F. Graezer Bideau 

Workshop at the Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design , Beijing, PRC, October 28, 2019.

Comparing habitats. Reframing comparison in the “post – disciplinary” era

E. Cogato Lanza; M. Barcelloni Corte; F. Graezer Bideau 

Comparing habitats: Reframing comparison in the “Post-disciplinary” era; Lausanne: Contour journal for interdisciplinary research in architecture, design and planning, 2019-09-12.

Comparing habitats: Reframing comparison in the “Post-disciplinary” era

E. Cogato Lanza; M. Barcelloni Corte; F. Graezer Bideau 

http://contourjournal.org, 2019-09-12.

Creative Communities A Landscape of Spaces and Practices

F. Graezer Bideau; C. L. G. Renaud 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Global Studies Program, EPFL, Switzerland, June 11, 2019.

Historic Urban Landscape as an opportunity for change? Evidence from Beijing

F. Graezer Bideau 

Globalized Heritage in Asia: regional articulations, silences, contestations, Université de Genève, Suisse, May 24, 2019.

Entangled Memories in the Bell and Drum Towers in Beijing

F. Graezer Bideau 

ACC Lecture Architecture: conjectures and refutations, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, March 14, 2019.

Vous avez dit: “traditions vivantes urbaines” en Suisse?

F. Graezer Bideau 

2019-03-08. Colloque international: Une approche interdisciplinaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel, Museum Fünf Kontinente, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Deutschland, Mars 7-8, 2019.

Digital Cultural Heritage meets Digital Humanities

S. Muenster; F. I. Apollonio; P. Bell; P. Kuroczynski; I. Di Lenardo et al. 

2019-01-01. 27th CIPA International Symposium on Documenting the Past for a Better Future, Avila, Spain, September 1-5, 2019. p. 812-820. DOI : 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W15-813-2019.

Short-term field study programmes for developing interdisciplinary skills in engineering education

J. Gonçalves Martin; F. Graezer Bideau; E. Hoesli; M. Laperrouza; R. Tormey 

2019. SEFI 47th Annual Conference. European Society of Engineering Education. “Varietas delectat…Complexity is the new normality””, Budapest, Hungary, September 16-19, 2019.

Shaping Urbanity: Politics and Narratives

F. Graezer Bideau; A. Pagani 

The City after Chinese New Towns: Spaces and Imaginaries from Contemporary Urban China; Basel: Birkhäuser, 2019.


Encountering cultures of making in China: narratives and practices of co-creative communities

F. Graezer BIdeau 

#Chinacreative: Users, Makers, Dreamers, a Workshop on Vernacular Creativity and Beyond, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 4-5, 2018.

Re-creating Memories of Gulou: Three Temporalities and Emotions

F. Graezer Bideau; H. Yan 

Association of Critical Heritage Studies 4th Biennal conference, Heritage Across Boarders, Hangzhou, China, September 1-6, 2018.

Inventories without archives: the list of “Living Traditions in Switzerland”

F. Graezer Bideau 

Archiving Intangible Cultural Heritage & Performing Arts – a Symposium for Living Traditions, Artlab, EPFL, Lausanne, August 6-7, 2018.

Assessing transversal skills in an interdisciplinary programme

M. Laperrouza 

2018. 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018, assessment, interdisciplinary, transversal skills, reflexivity, September 17-21, 2018. p. 968-975.

Fostering 21st Century Skills through Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences

A. C. Holzer; D. Gillet; M. Laperrouza; J-P. Maître; R. Tormey et al. 

2018. 46th SEFI Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark,

Looking at Corboz from an anthropological perspective

F. Graezer Bideau 

Table-ronde Revisiting André Corboz: methods, challenges, potentials, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Accademia di Architectura, Mendrisio, Switzerland, Octobre 29, 2018.

Makers in China: a model to export?

M. Bolli 

The 16th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC), Leiden, Netherlands, 22-23 May 2018.

Open Innovation for Development: An Educative and Entrepreneurial Project between Shenzhen and Addis Ababa

M. Bolli 

Tech4Dev, Lausanne, Switzerland, 27-29 June 2018.

Politiques de la tradition. Le patrimoine culturel immatériel

E. Hertz; F. Graezer Bideau; W. Leimgruber; H. Munz 

Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2018.

Historic Urban Landscape in Beijing: The Gulou Project and Its Contested Memories

F. Graezer Bideau; H. Yan 

Chinese Heritage in the Making: Experiences, Negotiations and Contestations; Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018. p. 298.

Resistance to places of collective memories: A rapid Transformation Landscape in Beijing

F. Graezer Bideau 

The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Ethnography; London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 259-278.


Making the city: re-assembling spaces of manufacturing

C. L. G. Renaud; M. Bolli; M. Laperrouza; F. Graezer Bideau 

2017. CHI2017.

Makerspaces: politics and communities of innovation in China. Feedback from the field and discussion

M. Bolli 

Rethinking Science and Public Participation – Monthly Colloquium, University of Geneva,

Memory and historic urban landscapes: An interdisciplinary research in Mexico-City, Rome and Beijing

F. Graezer Bideau; Y. Pedrazzini; L. Bordone; L. A. Herrera Quiroz; F. De Pieri 


Heritage in the Making: a genealogy of successive attempts for UNESCO lists

F. Graezer Bideau 

Public Seminar Memory and the city: An ongoing collective research on the Unesco site of Le Locle and La Chaux-de-Fonds, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, June 27, 2017.

Redéfinitions du patrimoine culturel par les marges : Résistances à la Recommandation sur les paysages historiques dans le quartier de Gulou, Beijing

F. Graezer Bideau 

Colloque International Le Patrimoine Mondial : une valeur universelle exceptionnelle ?, Centre des Monuments nationaux, Cité de Carcassonne, France, 4-5 Décembre, 2017.

Towards a Principled Approach to Humanitarian Information and Communication Technology

I. Vonèche Cardia; A. C. Holzer; Y. Xu; C. Maitland; D. Gillet 

2017. The 9th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies and Development, Lahore, Pakistan, November 16-19, 2017. DOI : 10.1145/3136560.3136588.

The thickness and fragmentation of urban collective memory: the “resistance of the stones” in Gulou, Beijing

F. Graezer Bideau 

International Symposium on Anthropology undergoing the evolution of communities, Beijing, PRC, September 23, 2017.

Regards sur les politiques du PCI en Suisse

F. Graezer Bideau; E. Hertz 

Patrimoine culturel immatériel; Liège: Presses universitaires de Liège, 2017. p. 317-328.

China’s Digital Diversity and the Sharing Economy in the New Era of National Sovereignty

M. Bolli; M. Keane 

World Humanities Conference, Liège, August 6-12, 2017.

The Practices of World Heritage-Making: Chinese National Hegemony and UNESCO Narratives

F. Graezer Bideau 

Lecture series Master Degree in Architecture Construction City, Turin, Italy, May 17, 2017.

Urban Scars, Ghosts and Collective Memories : Heritage and Resistance to Patrimonialization in Beijing and Mexico City

F. Graezer Bideau; Y. Pedrazzini; L. A. Herrera Quiroz 

School of Architecture / Anna University, Chennai, India, January 27, 2017.


Tourisme et patrimoine dans la ville de Malacca, Malaisie: un couple bien assorti?

F. Graezer Bideau; M. Kilani 

Ethnologies. 2016. Vol. 38, num. 1-2, p. 83-105. DOI : 10.7202/1041588ar.

China and global value chains

M. Laperrouza 

New Realities : Business Dynamics at the Frontiers of Globalization; Lausanne: IMD International, 2016. p. 40-60.

Workshop on Mumbai’s Development Plan 2014 – 2034

L. Pattaroni; A. Bhide; C. Lutringer-Gully; T. S. Baitsch; S. C. Houllier Binder et al. 

Workshop on Mumbai’s Development Plan 2014 – 2034: Flash Research Project, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5-7 April 2016.

Workshop on Mumbai Development Plan 2014-2034

L. Pattaroni; C. Lutringer-Gully; T. S. Baitsch; S. C. Houllier Binder; A. Bhide et al. 

Workshop on Mumbai Development Plan 2014-2034: Flash Research Project, TISS, Mumbai, India, 21-26 Nov. 2016.

Ready to face the world?Lessons learnt from applying a Multi-Professional Shared Learning Test tofirst year Engineering and Science students at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland.

I. Le Duc; R. Tormey; S. R. Isaac; C. Hardebolle; I. Vonèche Cardia 

International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Conference 2016 Ethics, Care and Quality in Educational Development, Cape Town, South Africa, November 22-25, 2016.

Gamifying Knowledge Sharing in the Humanitarian Context

A. C. Holzer; B. Kocher; I. Vonèche Cardia; J. Mazuze; S. Bendahan et al. 

2016. 7th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development. DOI : 10.1145/3001913.3006630.

Cartographier les mémoires collectives à Gulou ou la difficulté d’allier les volontés politiques et les voix populaires dans le centre historique de Pékin

F. Graezer Bideau 

Séminaire de l’Institut d’Asie Orientale, ENS-Lyon, France, Novembre 17, 2016.

Évaluation de l’impact des cours ‘Enjeux Mondiaux’ dans le raisonnement éthique des étudiants de première année à l’École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

I. Le Duc; S. Isaac; R. Tormey; C. Hardebolle; I. Vonèche Cardia 

2016. 29ème Congrès de l’Association International de Pédagogie Universitaire (AIPU), Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016.

Architecture and Resistance: Theory, Methods and Projects

F. Graezer Bideau; Y. Pedrazzini; C. Iorio 

Chinese New Towns (project), Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, June 15, 2016.

The International Committee of the Red Cross: Identifying the Dead and Tracing Missing Persons – A Historical Perspective

I. Vonèche Cardia 

Violence, Statistics, and the Politics of Accounting for the Dead; Switzerland: Springer, 2016. p. 71-86.

Beijing Danwei: from the Memory of the City to New Regeneration Plans

M. Bonino; F. Graezer Bideau 

Forum Architecture in China and Italy: From Ancient Towns to Low-Carbon Towns, Firenze, Italy, March 18, 2016.


Créativité et éthique: le cas du programme de sciences humaines et sociales à l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

I. Vonèche Cardia 


Hutongs-Transformations: A Battle between memories

A. Pagani 


China: current social issues

F. Graezer Bideau 

Conference, Master degree in Architecture Construction City: Designing collective place in a Chinese new town, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, May 11, 2015.

Zhangjiakou sustainable projects for 2022 Winter Olympic Games: a critical overview from anthropological perspective

F. Graezer Bideau 

Review of the Joint studio Tsinghua PoliTO 2015: Zhangjiakou sustainable projects for 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Castello del Valentino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, June 15, 2015.

China: from modernization to reforms

F. Graezer Bideau 

Conference, Master degree in Architecture Construction City: Designing collective place in a Chinese new town, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, April 20, 2015.

Chengdu’s history and social organizations

F. Graezer Bideau 

Conference, Master degree in Architecture Construction City: Designing collective place in a Chinese new town, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, March 25, 2015.

Hutongs – Transformations: A Battle between memories

A. Pagani 

International workshop Architecture and Resistance, Lasur (ENAC), Iags (CdH), EPFL, Switzerland, December 14-15, 2015.

Gulou communities between the historical Drum and Bell Tower square

F. Graezer Bideau 

International workshop Architecture and Resistance, Lasur (ENAC), Iags (CdH), EPFL, Switzerland, December 14-15, 2015.

The architectures of Expos

F. Graezer Bideau; M. Bonino; F. De Pieri 

Public Forum, The House of Switzerland, Expo Milano 2015, Italy, October 21, 2015.

Discussants on Beijing Danwei: Industrial Heritage in the Contemporary City (Berlin, Jovis, 2015) edited by Michele Bonino and Filippo De Pieri

F. Graezer Bideau; F. Frassoldati 

Launch Book, Beijing Design Week, Relay Factory, Dashilar, Beijing, China, September 25, 2015.