Student Projects

List of projects:


The student will contribute to a multidisciplinary initiative for the use of social media and mobile crowdsourcing for social good. Several projects are available. Students will work with social computing researchers and other academics, both in Europe and the Majority World.


* Social media analytics
* Visualization of social and crowdsourced data
* Smartphone apps for mobile crowdsourcing


Interest and/or experience in one or more of these areas: data analysis, machine learning, data visualization, phone apps, social media, natural language processing, computer vision


Bachelor/ Master (semester project or PDM)


Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez


The project aims to design and implement a framework to study the consumption of local news in the European multicultural context. The project will include a combination of research methods for experimental design and data analysis, in the context of the AI4Media European project (A European Excellence Center for Media, Society, and Democracy). 


The specific goals of the project include: literature review; identification of news sources; mixed-method experimental design; experiments and data analysis; and writing.


Interest and/or experience in one or more of these areas: data analysis, machine learning, data visualization, phone apps, social media, natural language processing, computer vision


Bachelor/ Master (semester project or PDM)


Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez


This project will study computational methods to identify human values in text. Motivated by the fundamental role that values play in perspective formation in the media and public discourse, the study will lead to the implementation and assessment of a human value identification framework. Through multi-label classification tasks, we aim to determine the predominant human values in argument datasets, thus contributing to a nuanced understanding of ethical dimensions. This project is conducted in the context of a large European project on AI and Sustainability.


The main goals of the project include: literature review; choice of methods; data analysis and experiments, and writing.


Interest and/or experience in one or more of these areas: applied machine learning, natural language processing, media analysis (news, social media).


Bachelor/ Master (semester project or PDM)


Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez


The 2000Lakes initiative aims to catalog the microbial diversity in Swiss alpine lakes while developing a network of citizen science and stakeholders. We are looking for several motivated students interested in alpine science, data science, and human-centered research to develop a master thesis project or semester project on this topic. This project offers the possibility of contributing to an innovative approach to scientific research. 


* Develop creative actions to inform and consolidate a network of stakeholders engaged with biodiversity in alpine lakes.

* Develop computational tools (using data visualization, social media, media archives) to support interaction with citizens and stakeholders.

* Participate in fieldwork and publications in the field of citizen science.


Interest and/or experience in one or more of these areas: social media, citizen science, community organizing, data visualization, data analysis, machine learning


Bachelor/ Master (semester project or PDM)


Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez


The proposal by the European Commission on AI regulation (The AI Act) will impact many sectors of the economy and have important societal implications. This project aims to study this regulation, analyze its effects on how European cities use AI as part of their mission, and make recommendations for the future. The project will be done in the context of the multidisciplinary ICARUS European project, which involve a number of actors in cities and non-governmental organizations.


The main goals of the project include: literature review; conceptual analysis; data collection; data analysis, and writing.


Interest and/or experience in one or more of these areas: cities, social media, data visualization, data analysis, machine learning


Bachelor/ Master (semester project or PDM)


Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez


This project will study and propose a methodology to characterize and validate machine learning methods from the FATE perspective (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethics) in the context of two application scenarios: (1) news; and (2) mobile sensing. The project will investigate best practices and empirically assess state-of-art methods for one or both application scenarios.



The main goals of the project include: literature review; choice of methods; data analysis and experiments, and writing.


Interest and/or experience in one or more of these areas: machine learning, fairness, news, mobile sensing.


Bachelor/ Master (semester project or PDM) and data analysis; and writing.


Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez