College of Management of Technology

The College is dedicated to promoting research and teaching in the areas of Management Science and Finance with close ties to Engineering and Technology. It infuses an entrepreneurial spirit, encourages interdisciplinary partnerships, and takes a comprehensive approach to industrial issues and public policy.

Established in 2004, the College of Management of Technology’s mission is to create value for business and society by advancing the theory and practice of management, by facing industrial issues and public policy questions, and by educating responsible change makers.

The College leverages its location on a world-class STEM campus by offering unique teaching programs at the intersection of business and engineering, and by fostering impactful research. It seeks to provide a collaborative and respectful environment that nourishes bright minds and enables them to develop their full potential.


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Management of Technology & Entrepreneurship Institute

MTEI – The Management of Technology & Entrepreneurship Institute

The Management of Technology & Entrepreneurship Institute has been created to foster research and to offer strong programs in the fields of management of technology, entrepreneurship & public policy.


SFI – The Swiss Finance Institute

The Swiss Finance Institute @ EPFL has been created to foster research in finance and to develop a strong offering of programs in finance and financial engineering at EPFL. The focus is on the areas within finance that have a natural interaction with mathematics, statistics, engineering, and science, namely, mathematical finance, financial econometrics, and entrepreneurial finance.

E4S – The Enterprise for Society Center

The Enterprise for Society Center (E4S) inspires economic and social transformation by producing, collecting and disseminating frontier research and science-backed evidence, with a view of helping enterprises and society develop practices, strategies and policies consistent with rising to the “grand challenges”, such as climate change, resource scarcity, social change, urbanization, or digitalization.


Master programs CDM


Our successful Master Programs prepare students for leading careers in academia and industry.


The Minor programs are offered to EPFL students with a Bachelor degree and who would like to complement their studies with key concepts & tools the College’s fields of expertise:

Doctoral programs CDM


Pursue an academic career and collaborate with researchers at the forefront of academic thinking in one of our two doctoral programs:

Executive Education CDM

Executive Education

The College offers several Executive Masters in the area of Management, Technology and Entrepreneurship as well as Certificates of Advanced Studies (CAS)