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MFE Faculty
- Frédéric Aviolat, Lecturer FE frederic.aviolat@epfl.ch
- Eric Cauvin, Lecturer FE eric.cauvin@epfl.ch
- Damien Challet, Lecturer FE damien.challet@epfl.ch
- Andrea Dunbar, Professor MTE andrea.dunbar@epfl.ch
- Pierre Collin Dufresne, Professor FE pierre.collin-dufresne@epfl.ch
- Rüdiger Fahlenbrach, Professor FE rudiger.fahlenbrach@epfl.ch
- Damir Filipovic, Professor FE damir.filipovic@epfl.ch
- Andreas Fuster, Professor FE andrea.fuster@epfl.ch
- Julien Hugonnier, Professor FE julien.hugonnier@epfl.ch
- Dimitris Karyampas, Lecturer FE dimitris.karyampas@epfl.ch
- Negar Kiyavash, Professor MTE negar.kiyavash@epfl.ch
- Alexander Mack, Lecturer MTE alexander.mack@epfl.ch
- Semyon Malamud, Professor FE, semyon.malamud@epfl.ch
- Erwan Morellec, Professor FE erwan.morellec@epfl.ch
- Aziz Nahas, Lecturer FE, aziz.nahas@epfl.ch
- Elena Perazzi Professor FE elena.perazzi@epfl.ch
- Thomas Weber, Professor MTE thomas.weber@epfl.ch
- Corinne Dubois, Lecturer MFE, corinne.dubois@epfl.ch
- Frédéric Payot, Lecturer MFE, frederic.payot@epfl.ch
Structure of the MFE Master Program
MFE Stearing Committee
- MFE Section’s deputy : Géraldine Nagel d’Eternod
- Christophe de Dardel, Unigestion
- Aurèle Storno, Banque Lombard Odier
- Yves Allkofer, Crédit Suisse
- Yvan Cardenas, Swissquote,
- Rajna Gibson, University of Geneva, Geneva Finance Research Institute
- Annelis Lüscher, Helvetia
- Internal members: Prof. Semyon Malamud, Prof. Damir Filipovic, Head of the Swissquote Chair in Quantitative Finance
MFE Academic Committee
- MFE Section’s deputy : Géraldine Nagel d’Eternod
- External member: Prof. Patrick Cheridito (Departement of Mathematics, ETH Zurich)
- Internal members: Profs. Damir Filipovic, Julien Hugonnier and Andreas Fuster