Mentoring Program

The MTE Master relies on a network of approximately 50 mentors coming from different industries/companies, who volunteer to follow and support the MTE students during their Master. Several of them are alumni of the College of Management (CDM) and have a strong link with the College and the EPFL.

Through the mentoring partnership, our students gain valuable insights into professional life, and our mentors enjoy the satisfaction of a lasting legacy with a new generation of young leaders.

The MTE mentoring program is
  • A 1- year partnership between a Mentee (1styear master student in MTE ) and a Mentor (experienced professional) – providing both with opportunities to share talents, skills, experiences and expertise.
  • The MTE students benefit from a more experienced or knowledgeable person to provide feedback and advice for his/her continued career and professional development.
  • The professionals collaborating with MTE as mentors come from different sectors and industries (Innovation and investment, Food industry, Medtech, Manufacturing, Luxury goods, Real Estate, Pharmaceutical, Sport & Entertainment, Digital communication/Marketing, Finance…) and hold different positions such as Senior Consultant, R&D Senior Specialist, Head of IT Analytics, Director of Project Management, Project Engineering Manager, Co-founder & CEO
  • Three networking events are organized throughout the academic year with mentors and mentees.
The matching process and key events
  • The Mentoring Opening event: at the beginning of each academic year (usually October or November), MTE organizes an Opening event at EPFL where mentors and students meet to get to know each other.
  • Following the opening event, mentors and students are asked to provide a list of their preferred mentors/mentees. The matching process between mentors and mentees is based on the information provided by both parties (area of interest, industry sector, career plans, hobbies…)
  • Once the pairs are communicated, the students get in touch with their mentor and the relationship can start. Each pair of mentor/mentee meet at their best convenience.
  • Two additional networking sessions are organized at EPFL in February and May.
Applied Corporate Industry Analysis

As part of this course with Mr Eugene de Groot (Spring semester: February to June), the students are expected to submit a report that consists of an applied company and industry analysis of a firm as agreed upon by the student and her/his mentor

As part of this course with Mr Eugene de Groot (Spring semester: February to June), the students are expected to submit a report that consists of an applied company and industry analysis of a firm as agreed upon by the student and her/his mentor.

It is the student’s responsibility to:

  • Agree on the subject and the scope of the Applied analysis with his/her mentor.
  • Make the appointments with his/her mentor (recommended 2-3 meetings face-to-face or zoom/phone…).
  • Prepare the meeting plan well in advance and follow up.
  • Write and submit the report on the due date (beginning of June). (Students are encouraged to share their reports with their mentors).

As a mentor, you:

  • can be interviewed by the students as part of the project and help him/her find 2 additional interviewees.
  • will not be asked to grade or comment on the report,
  • can share non-confidential information about the company
For students

Every year, all new MTE students take part in the mentoring program. Each student will be paired with a mentor at the beginning of the academic year.

Benefits for the students:
  • Support in personal and professional development
  • Explore career paths and learn from experts in their fields
  • Prepare an in-depth analysis of a real business
  • Grow their network
For mentors

Mentors join the Mentoring program for an academic year and are paired with one MTE student.

Benefits for the Mentor:
  • Helping a Student
  • Strengthening a link with EPFL and the academic world
  • Creating a bridge between young talents and experienced people in the industry confronted with business reality
  • Growing together and developing a win-win situation

Interested in becoming a mentor? Register your interest using our online form, and our Mentoring Program coordinator will get back to you to discuss further.



Ms Haoua Mahmoudi | MTE Internship & Mentoring program Coordinator

[email protected] | Odyssea Building, EPFL