Delayed microbiota formation and maturation during early life is linked to a wide range of acute and chronic diseases that include colic and asthma, plus a range of autoimmune and metabolic disorders.
Keystone archaea ‘gatekeeper’ species plays a vital role in the stabilization and regulation of the metabolic and immune-regulating activities of the human microbiome, undertaking a large number of roles including pH management of the microbiome environment. Control of pH is important to the expansion of the anti-inflammatory – and ‘gut-brain-axis – ‘ metabolite-producing gut microbiota and suppression of those responsible for ‘leaky gut’, inflammatory and allergic conditions. Archaea constitutes 10-12% of the healthy gut microbiome, with its reduction or absence having a major negative impact on human health.
Given an optimal start to life, keystone archaea species are transferred from mother to infant at or shortly after birth. However, this natural process is disrupted in the case of premature or Caesarean-section birth, in non-breast fed infants and those exposed to antibiotics. Recent human studies, in infants suffering a range of acute and chronic health problems, have confirmed the absence or depletion of archaea as a key contributor.
ARKAIYA’s multi-disciplined team has developed a suite of novel and proprietary tools enabling significant advances in Archaean research, species selection, cultivation and management. The purpose of the ENAC seed project is to validate a rapid diagnostic tool created by ARKAIYA that will importantly enable the measurement and monitoring of Archaea in infants, children and adults.
General information
- PI: Horst Pick (GR-LUD / IIE)
- Start date: 01.09.2021
- Duration: 6 months