PhD Theses
Bouvard Olivia, Scartezzini Jean-Louis and Schueler Andreas (Dirs.). Coatings with tailored electronic and optical properties for advanced glazing. EPFL Thesis n° 9199 (2019)
Microstructured glazing for daylighting, glare protection, seasonal thermal control and clear view. EPFL PhD thesis, n° 6465 (2015)
A. Paone, J.-L. Scartezzini and A. Schueler (Dirs.). Switchable Selective Absorber Coatings for Overheating Protection of Solar Thermal Collectors. EPFL PhD thesis, n° 5878 (2013)
DĂ©veloppement et optimisation de revĂȘtements minces nanostructurĂ©s pour capteurs solaires thermiques et modules photovoltaĂŻques. EPFL PhD thesis, n° 5541 (2012).