Mondays Open Doors

Summer Break

We’ll gather again in the Fall !


🧭 What are Mondays Open Doors?

Mondays Open Doors aims to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within our ENAC community. During each session, we will invite 3-4 researchers, computer scientists, or practitioners to deliver brief, 5-minute lightning talks on their approaches to resolving technical challenges on a scientifc topic. After the talks, our aim is to facilitate open discussions among attendees, including other labs, researchers who presented lightning talks, and our IT4R team.


📅 Next editions …

  • Write to us with your suggestions for topics !


📆 Past events

Open Doors every first Monday of each month, exculding summer and winter breaks ! Prior editions include :

  • Release & Packaging (R & Python), 03/06/24 16:30 in GC C2 413
  • Webmapping for scientific valorization, 15/04/24 16:30 in GC D1 384
  • Onboarding ENAC on RCP, 06/05/24 16:30 in GC C2 413

🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Target audience

This event welcomes the entire ENAC research community, as well as any other curious minds out there!


🔍 Who organizes Mondays Open Doors ?

This event is organized by the ENAC-IT4R team.


⚖️ Manifesto

Networking is inclusive

Everybody adds value. Whether you are a student, phd student, engineer, researcher, hobbyist, or an entirely different animal: we all want to chat, learn from each other and have fun.

Telling beats selling: Let’s share ideas, not sell products, organizations or philosophies.

Each event begins with 3-4 brief lightening talks about a technical challenge in their scientific field, new ideas, or a fascinating story/technology serving as conversation starters. We aim to be open, transparent, helpful and caring about IT challenges we all face.

Our minds are open: Opinions are important, especially coming from others

In a stimulating environment we have the unique opportunity to change our points of view, leave our comfort zones and think outside our respective boxes.

We love all of ENAC in its diversity

All genders, creeds and colours, citizens or expat, speaking French, English, German, Romansh, Italian, MATLAB, Python, R, C# or Javascript.


In case of any questions or inquiries, please feel free to email us at [email protected].