Category: Open Science

Cleaning Arctic Aerosol Datasets From Pollution

Open Science, Open Software

The Pollution Detection Algorithm was developed to identify local pollution emission from vessel stacks in aerosol and trace gas datasets in remote locations.

Urban Landscapes And Health Outcomes In Côte d’Ivoire

Open Data, Open Science

Open data sources can assess basic indicators related to demography essential to urban and human development.

Solving Contact Mechanics Problems With Tamaas

Open Science, Open Software

Tamaas solves contact mechanics problems with periodic rough surfaces, plasticity, adhesion and friction using the boundary element method.

Open Data for Old and New Stone Masonry buildings

Open Data, Open Science

Experimental data of cyclic experiments on rubble stone Masonry walls can be key for seismic assessment on historical structures.


Open Science, Open Software

Models, software and code of Composite Fields for Human Pose Estimation

Remote Sensing Visual Question Answering

Open Data, Open Science

A training dataset designed to for remote sensing visual question answering, hosted on its dedicated website with accompanying scripts.

Open Data For The Southern Ocean

Open Data, Open Science

The ACE-DATA project offers a collection of datasets, well-documented with metadata, available on the data repository Zenodo through the Creative Commons license.

Open Data Of Naturalistic Vehicle Trajectories

Open Data, Open Science

pNEUMA is a unique observatory for traffic congestion, with a dataset of traffic streams in Athens, at a finer scale and resolution than ever before.

PyFrac Open Software

Open Science, Open Software

PyFrac is a python solver for 3D fluid-driven fractures propagation, released under GPLv3 license.

TrajNet++: Trajectory Forecasting Benchmark & Challenge

Open Science, Open Software

A machine learning challenge, with accompanying data and evaluation codes, open to the public on; all scripts are shared under MIT license.