Optional courses

During the first three semesters of the Master degree in Civil Engineering (M1-M2-M3), students need to obtain 55 credits, at least, from optional courses. If students wish to choose a course not belonging to the field of their specialization or their minor, they can select some courses from a list of optional courses offered by the section of Civil Engineering (group of optional courses).

The choice of optional courses, specific to the section of Civil Engineering, is left to the discretion of the students. However, to define a clear profile of training, it is recommended that students focus their choices in a limited number of areas. The Section can advise each student to make his/her choice.

Under certain conditions, some courses outside of the field of Civil Engineering may be taken:

  • The lessons provided by other institutes of EPFL
  • Courses taken at the University of Lausanne or at an equivalent institution

The choice of optional courses outside of the field of Civil Engineering may represent only a small portion of the optional branches and will not be generally available to students who chose to do a minor. Registration for a course outside of Civil Engineering needs to be first accepted by the Section of Civil engineering