GC Awards

Each year, prizes are awarded to Civil Engineering graduates. A student can only apply for a maximum of 2 prizes awarded by a jury.

Please note that some prizes require registration.
The application deadlines are set at the end of the master projects and no later than July, 31st.

This prize is intended to reward up to two students from the Civil Engineering section who have obtained a grade equal to or higher than 5.5 for their master of project, when co-supervised by either one laboratory or preferably by two separate laboratories affiliated to the Institute of Civil Engineering – IIC. 
Amount: CHF 1’000.- pour chaque étudiant·e.
Regulation and application
All fields
SIA Vaud
One of the prizes rewards a master project (PDM) of excellence in the field of civil engineering and in the field of environmental engineering. 
One of the prizes rewards the best average in a master’s degree of the ENAC faculty (excluding architecture).
Montant: CHF 1’000.- pour le prix PDM et CHF 500.- pour le prix de la meilleure moyenne
Regulation and application
All fields
Alfred Stucky
This prize is intended to reward the excellence of a Master’s project in Civil Engineering distinguished by its originality and practical feasibility.
Amount: CHF 3’000.-
Regulation and application
All fields
This award recognizes the best average in block 2 of the master’s degree in the civil engineering section.
Amount: CHF 1’000.-
Regulation and application
All fields
biol conseils (Groupe sdplus)
Intended to reward an innovative and pragmatic Master’s project that provides a response to environmental or climate issues.
Amount: CHF 1’985.-
Regulation and application
All fields
sd ingénierie (Groupe sdplus)
Intended to reward an innovative and pragmatic Master’s project that provides a response to sustainable construction.
Amount: CHF 1’955.-
Regulation and application
All fields
PEGURRI (Cycle Bachelor)
This prize is awarded to the student who has obtained the best average in the Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (2nd and 3rd year of training).
No registration.
Amount: CHF 6’000.- in 2 remittance over 2 years, provided that the Master’s degree is completed at EPFL, Civil Engineering Section
All fields
This prize is awarded to a student of the EPFL Master in Civil Engineering who has demonstrated excellence in a master project in the field of transportation or mobility.
Amount: 1’500.-
Regulation and application
Transport and Mobility
This prize is awarded to a graduate student of EPFL who has demonstrated excellence at the Master’s level in civil engineering, with a specialization in structural engineering.
Amount: CHF 1’000.-
Regulation and application
Structural Engineering
Le prix est attribué à un Projet de Master dans le domaine du génie sismique ou de la dynamique des structures. Les candidats sont nommés par le superviseur de leur projet de master.
Montant : CHF 2’000.-
Règlement et Candidature
Structural Engineering
IM Maggia Engineering SA
Ce prix récompense un projet de master développant les activités suivantes: aménagements hydroélectriques, tunnels et ouvrages souterrains. Pas d’inscription. Les candidats sont proposés par les professeurs. Normalement le prix est attribué chaque année.
Prix sans inscription.
Montant : CHF 2’000.-  (4’000.- en incluant l’école polytechnique de Zurich)
Règlement et Candidature
Geotechnics, hydraulics & energy

PRIX en développement durable et environnement (non gérés par la Section GC)

L’ARPEA décerne annuellement des prix récompensant un travail de bachelor remarquable effectué parmi les Hautes Écoles Spécialisées de la HES-SO (HES) de Suisse romande (HEIA-FR, HEIG-VD, HEPIA-GE, etc.), et des prix récompensant une thèse de master remarquable effectuée parmi les Hautes Écoles de Suisse romande (HES-SO, EPFL, UNIFR, UNIGE, UNIL, UNINE) dans l’un des domaines d’activité de l’Association (voir art. 2).
Les prix sont réservés à des travaux traitant d’un ou plusieurs thèmes en lien direct avec les objectifs et les activités de l’ARPEA, notamment:
Protection des eaux
Protection de l’air
Protection des milieux naturels
Protection des sols
Assainissement des sites contaminés
Gestion des déchets
Développement durable
Energie renouvelable en lien avec la protection de l’environnement
Règlement du Prix ARPEA – François Lancoud
Le prix Durabilis, lancé en mars 2007 par l’EPFL et élargi à l’UNIL en automne de la même année, prime des projets d’étudiant·es présentant une approche intégrant les dimensions du développement durable, à savoir: l’environnement, la société et l’économie. Le prix Durabilis est soutenu par la Vice-présidence pour la transformation responsable (VPT), par la Direction de l’Université de Lausanne, ainsi que par la commune de St-Sulpice.
Règlement Prix Durabilis
Afin de soutenir la recherche innovante dans le domaine du génie civil, le groupe international de l’ASCE en Suisse a créé le prix ASCE-Suisse en reconnaissance des thèses de Master exceptionnelles, qui combinent les avancées scientifiques avec des domaines d’application d’importance pratique dans le domaine du génie civil. Il s’agit d’un prix suisse, décerné chaque année à une ou un lauréat·e parmi les candidat·es de toutes les institutions suisses qui proposent un diplôme de MSc en génie civil
Réglement Prix ASCE
Le Comité Suisse des Barrages (CSB) décerne un prix pour des travaux de Master méritoires en lien avec la thématique des barrages.
Le prix est décerné annuellement lors de l’Assemblé Générale du Comité (prenant place habituellement au printemps) et sera attribué à l’auteur d’un travail de master réalisé dans une école supérieure suisse (Ecoles Polytechniques, Universités ou Hautes Ecoles Spécialisées) sur des sujets liés au secteur des barrages.
Règlement Prix CSB

Prix toutes Sections EPFL (dont Génie Civil)

Voir page Prix aux étudiantes et étudiants Master

AWARDS in Sustainable Development and Environment (not managed by the GC Section)

Each year, ARPEA awards prizes for an outstanding bachelor’s thesis carried out among the Hautes Écoles Spécialisées de la HES-SO (HES) in French-speaking Switzerland (HEIA-FR, HEIG-VD, HEPIA-GE, etc.), and prizes for an outstanding master’s thesis carried out among the Hautes Écoles in French-speaking Switzerland (HES-SO, EPFL, UNIFR, UNIGE, UNIL, UNINE), in one of the Association’s fields of activity (see art. 2).

The prizes are reserved for works dealing with one or more themes directly related to the objectives and activities of ARPEA, in particular

  • Water protection
  • Protection of the air
  • Protection of the natural environment
  • Soil protection
  • Remediation of contaminated sites
  • Waste management
  • Sustainable development
  • Renewable energy in relation to environmental protection

ARPEA Regulation – François Lancoud

The Durabilis prize, launched in March 2007 by EPFL and extended to UNIL in the autumn of the same year, rewards student projects presenting an approach integrating the dimensions of sustainable development, namely: the environment, society and the economy. The Durabilis prize is supported by the Vice Presidency for Responsible Transformation (VPT), by the University of Lausanne management, as well as by the commune of St-Sulpice.


In support of innovative research in the domain of Civil Engineering, the ASCE Switzerland International Group has established the ASCE-Swiss Prize in recognition of exceptional Master theses, which combine scientific advances with application areas of practical relevance in the domain of Civil Engineering. This is a Swiss-wide award, awarded annually to a winner from a pool of candidates across all Swiss Institutions that offer an MSc degree in Civil Engineering.

Réglement Prix ASCE

The Swiss Committee on Dams (SwissDams) awards a prize for outstanding Master’s theses related to the topic of dams.
The prize is awarded annually at the General Assembly of the Committee (usually in spring) and goes to the author of a Master’s thesis written at a Swiss institution of higher education (ETH, university or university of applied sciences) on topics related to dams.

The detailed rules for participation can be found here.

Modalities for application
Applications must reach to the SwissDams secretariat by October 31, 2024 at the latest by e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

Amount : CHF 2,000.- 

List of Civil Engineering Prizes

IIC Prize

This prize is intended to reward up to two students from the Civil Engineering section who have obtained a grade equal to or higher than 5.5 for their master of project, when co-supervised by either one laboratory or preferably by two separate laboratories affiliated to the Institute of Civil Engineering – IIC. A jury deliberates on the basis of the results transmitted by the section of Civil Engineering at the end of the academic year.
No appeal is possible. This award is presented by the section during the graduation ceremony.

Amount: CHF 1,000.-

Regulations IIC Award

At the end of the semester of his/her Master Project (PDM), the candidate must send by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Civil Engineering Section [email protected]:

  • A pdf copy of the motivation letter, prepared by the candidate
  • A pdf copy of the support letter, prepared by the person responsible for the PDM

2024: TIREFORD Nicolas
2023 : NAFTALSKI, Jean Vincent Daniel
2022 : CANOMERAS, Elena– STIRNIMANN, Michael
2020 : MONNERON, Armand

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SIA Vaud Prize

This award includes 2 prizes:

  • One of the prizes rewards the best average in a master’s degree of the ENAC faculty (excluding architecture).
  • One of the prizes rewards a master project (PDM) of excellence in the field of civil engineering and in the field of environmental engineering. Candidates for the prize are proposed to the SIA Vaud by the master project directors concerned, with the consent of the student. The master project must have obtained a grade of at least 5.5 and stand out for its original, innovative and pragmatic character with regard to the constraints related to sustainable development.

Amounts : CHF 1,000.- for the PDM prize and CHF 500.-  for the prize for the best average

Regulation SIA Vaud Award


At the end of the semester of his/her master project (PDM), the person in charge of the PDM must send by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Civil Engineering Section [email protected]:

  • PDF copy of the cover letter, prepared by the applicant
  • PDF copy of the letter of support, prepared by the person responsible for the PDM

2024: NAJID Ghita (meilleur PdM) et KLOK Jonas (meilleure moyenne)
2023: ABI YOUNES, Gaëlle
2022 : LOISEL, Jolan
2020 : YACOUBA, Bally

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This prize was created by the former students of Professor Alfred Stucky in 1947.  The STUCKY SA office, active in the fields of dams, water and energy, wished to revalorize this prize by associating itself with it.

The project must satisfy two criteria:

Originality: innovative personal work, new ideas or methods, novelty of the solution, original research outside the normal framework of studies.

Feasibility: economically realistic work, practically useful and leading to concrete results for the engineer, his profession, his knowledge, the practice, the standards, etc., for example: construction on plans allowing to envisage the practical realization, experimental assembly which functions, numerical or theoretical experimental method leading to results usable by the engineer.

Amount: CHF 3,000.-

Regulation Stucky Award

Application :

A candidate can only apply for a maximum of two prizes awarded by a jury. He/she must send to the secretariat of the Civil Engineering section in electronic format :

  • a letter of application countersigned by the responsible master who certifies that the work corresponds to the spirit and the rules of the prize
  • the project in .pdf format
  • immediately after the oral examination, a personal assessment of the project (one page maximum) with a mention of the grade obtained must be submitted to the Academic Service by the responsible teacher.

2024: MEIER, Jan
2023 : NAFTALSKI, Jean Vincent Daniel
2021 : VAN MOL, Romain
2020 : SEYFEDDINE, Mona

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UPIAV Prize (Union Patronale des Ingénieurs et Architectes Vaudois)

This award recognizes the best average in block 2 of the master’s degree in the civil engineering section.

Amount: CHF 1,000.-

No documents required.

Regulation UPIAV Award

2024: HANSEN, Zachary Wilder
2022 : KEMPTER, Nathan
2020 : NICOLET, Adrien

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Biol conseils prize(Groupe sdplus)

The Prize is awarded to graduates who have obtained a MASTER degree from the ENAC Faculty of EPFL in the GC or SlE sections. . It is intended to reward an innovative and pragmatic Master’s project that provides a response to environmental or climate issues.
Amount: CHF 1’985.-

Regulation biol conseils prize

To be considered as excellent, the Master’s project must have obtained a grade of at least 5.50 and stand out as original, innovative and pragmatic in terms of the constraints associated with sustainable development. The candidate will be invited by the biol conseils prize jury to present his/her master’s project in a fifteen-minute presentation.

Lauréat·es :
2024: –

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Sd ingénierie prize (Groupe sdplus)

The prize is awarded to graduates who have obtained a MASTER degree from the ENAC Faculty of EPFL in the GC or SlE sections. It is intended to reward an innovative and pragmatic Master’s project that provides a response to sustainable construction.
Amount: CHF 1’955.-

Réglement Prix sd ingénierie

Candidature :
To be considered as excellent, the Master’s project must have obtained a grade of at least 5.50 and stand out as original, innovative and pragmatic in terms of the constraints associated with sustainable development. The candidate will be invited by the biol conseils prize jury to present his/her master’s project in a fifteen-minute presentation.

2024: KLOK Jonas

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PEGURRI Prize (Bachelor Cycle)

This prize is awarded to the student who has obtained the best average in the Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (2nd and 3rd year of training).

The following conditions are required:

  • The successful candidate is doing his or her EPFL Master’s degree in Civil Engineering
  • The successful candidate has not already been awarded an EPFL Excellence Scholarship for the Master’s programme.

The Pegurri Fund aims to help one or more students in Civil Engineering at EPFL. It was created by Mrs. Pegurri in memory of her father, Jean Pegurri, a civil engineer graduated from Lausanne.

Amount : CHF 6,000.- in 2 remittance over 2 years.

No application needed.

Winners :
2024: –
2023: CHALLANDES, Oreste
2022 : DE ALMEIDA SOUSA, Diogo
2021 : TIREFORD, Nicolas  
2020 : GUILLAUMAT, Florian

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This prize is awarded to a student of the EPFL Master in Civil Engineering who has demonstrated excellence in a master project in the field of transportation or mobility.

Amount : CHF 1,500.-

Regulation CITEC Award

At the end of the semester of his/her Master Project (PDM), the candidate must send by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Civil Engineering Section [email protected]:

  • A pdf copy of the motivation letter, prepared by the candidate
  • A pdf copy of the support letter, prepared by the person responsible for the PDM
  • CITEC Form  

2024: SALIBA, Nicolas
2023: ABI YOUNES, Gaëlle
2022 : RICHTER, Nicolas

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This prize is awarded to a graduate student of EPFL who has demonstrated excellence at the Master’s level in civil engineering, with a specialization in structural engineering.

Each candidate must provide:

  1. A letter of motivation from the candidate (1 page) which is an integral part of the selection criteria by the jury.
  2. A complete report card for the master’s program.
  3. An executive summary (5 to 10 pages maximum in English).
  4. A poster of the project.
  5. A letter from the master thesis director, sent directly to the secretariat of the Civil Engineering Section, attesting that the work corresponds to the spirit and rules of the prize.

The whole is to be given to the secretariat of the Civil Engineering section.

Amount : CHF 1,000.-

Regulation Sarada M. and Raju A. Vinnakota Award

At the end of the semester of his/her Master Project (PDM), the candidate must send by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Civil Engineering Section [email protected]:

  • A pdf copy of the motivation letter, prepared by the candidate
  • A pdf copy of the support letter, prepared by the person responsible for the PDM

2024: KLOK Jonas
2023: MENOUD, Ludivine
2022 : KEMPTER, Nathan
2020 : DEDERICHS, Anno

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SGEB Prize

The award is given to a Master’s Project in the field of seismic engineering or structural dynamics. Candidates are nominated by the supervisor of their Master’s Project.

Amount : CHF 2,000.-

Regulation SGEB Award

At the end of the semester of his/her Master Project (PDM), the candidate must send by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Civil Engineering Section [email protected]:

  • A pdf copy of the motivation letter, prepared by the candidate
  • A pdf copy of the support letter, prepared by the person responsible for the PDM

2024: HEITMANN, Caroline
2023 : LUU, Hanh Nguyen Joëlle et ABDELJALIL Saâd
2022 : KEMPTER Nathan et MAILLARD Thibault
2021 : MAESTRANI Riccardo

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IM Maggia Engineering SA Prize 

This prize is awarded to a master project developing the following activities: hydroelectric schemes, tunnels and underground structures. Candidates are proposed by the professors. Normally the prize is awarded annually.

No registration required.

Amount : CHF 2,000.-  (CHF 4,000.- including the ETH Zurich)

Regulation IM Award

At the end of the semester of his/her Master Project (PDM), the candidate must send by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Civil Engineering Section [email protected]:

  • A pdf copy of the motivation letter, prepared by the candidate
  • A pdf copy of the support letter, prepared by the person responsible for the PDM

2022 : LEIGLON, Romain
2021 : LAMBERTI, David  

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