Maturity thesis

Support for your maturity work

Looking for a topic or need help?

We can put you in touch with experts in the field of environmental sciences and engineering in order to help with and provide advice for your final maturity project. Just contact the SIE section by email: [email protected]

Award for the best maturity thesis

From 2024 onwards, EPFL’s Environmental Sciences and Engineering Section (SSIE) will be awarding a prize for the best graduation project linked to natural sciences and environmental engineering.

Who can take part?

Are you a high school student in a Swiss gymnasium or college and you’re working and writing your Maturity project in the field of environmental sciences and engineering? Then this prize is for you!

Which topics?

This prize is awarded for the best maturity thesis in the field of sustainable development, and more specifically: water quality, soil, atmosphere, waste management, pollution, natural resources, biodiversity, renewable energies, climate change or natural hazards.

Award, jury?

The prize of CHF 1,000 is awarded each year by a jury existing out of academic members of the SSIE section (provided that a suitable candidate is identified). The prize is awarded during the graduation ceremony at the gymnasium, college or high school of the winner.

How does it work?

You or your teacher who supervised the work must send by email to the SIE Section ([email protected]) following 3 documents:

  • the electronic version of your maturity work
  • a brief recommendation written by your teacher with the grade for the work obtained
  • this filled-out administrative form

Deadline: Applications must be sent to the SIE Section ([email protected]) before 30 April of the current year.

Previous awardees


Congratulations to Kevin Brayek and Diego Pambianco for being awarded the Environmental Sciences and Engineering Prize for the best maturity thesis entitled: “La lutte chimique contre les ravageurs: à quel prix?”.