ENAC teaching unit

The ENAC Teaching unit is offered in the sixth semester of the Bachelor cycle and constitutes a mandatory course for all ENAC students during their Bachelor’s studies. The Teaching unit provides the students with the opportunity to combine theory with real-world application. Building upon the interdisciplinary experiences of the ENAC week, students further develop their ability to work in multidisciplinary teams to formulate problems and propose potential solutions in a broader context.

The ENAC Teaching unit consolidates interdisciplinary understanding and enables students to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of disciplines. Each student spends four hours per week working on one of the interdisciplinary topics as part of a multidisciplinary team made up of students from different disciplines at ENAC.

In the ENAC Teaching unit the focus remains on creative and practical intelligence whereas reflectivity and analytical aspects are increased. Students reinforce interdisciplinary bridges by integrating disciplinary knowledge. The expected transversal and interdisciplinary learning outcomes of the ENAC Teaching units are:

Practical intelligence Collaborate and communicate efficiently across disciplines; integrate knowledge from different disciplines to find solutions; develop strategic approaches for group organization.
Creative intelligenceDesign solutions for a real-world problem by applying theoretical knowledge; explore and think out of the box to implement a solution.
Analytical intelligence Analyze the whole system and see the system in its context; identify and formulate critical questions; apply disciplinary knowledge and methods and integrate some of them.
Reflective intelligence Reflect on own discipline and connected knowledge (develop disciplinary consciousness); be aware of strengths and limitations offered by the different disciplines; develop empathy and humility; reflect on values.

By completing an ENAC Teaching unit, students can earn 4 credits. These credits must be acquired during the Bachelor’s cycle to meet the requirements for the “Projeter Ensemble” course block.


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