School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)

ENAC combines the forces of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences and Engineering to help ensure a sustainable living environment for humanity through the sound and respectful integration of human activities into the biosphere.

Education  |  Research  |  Innovation


New: Master in Urban Systems

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Starting in fall 2025, a program designed to equip students with backgrounds in engineering and architecture with the foundations needed to tackle the complex challenges of sustainability in urban areas and their surrounding territories.

ENAC’s latest news

ENAC three disciplines

ENAC bring together three transformative disciplines:

  • Architecture
  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Sciences and Engineering

ENAC explores the potentials of interdisciplinarity to achieve excellence in the training of tomorrow’s architects and engineers as well as to place scientists at the forefront of research.


Cycle de conférences sur la durabilité: "Jusqu’à la faille: défis et perspectives de la géothermie profonde en Suisse. Une plongée dans les coulisses d’une révolution énergétique."


With: Table ronde modérée par Jonas Schneiter, directeur de Nous Prod avec la participation de : Brice Lecampion, professeur associé, chaire Gaznat en géo-énergie Nicole Lupi, spécialiste en géothermie, Office fédéral de l’énergie Sandrine Ortet, cheffe de projet géothermie profonde, Direction générale de l’environnement du canton de Vaud Daniel Clément, directeur d’EnergeÔ SA
Place and room: Forum Rolex
Category: Conferences – Seminars

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