ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants, Grants

Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience to flooding using Afforestation: the case of Nouakchott city, Mauritania


ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants, Grants

Detecting critical events in a trustable way with explainable artificial intelligence


ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants, Grants

An Open-Source platform for Geomechanical assessment of CO2 Geological Storage


ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants, Grants

Intelligent Systems for Automated Inspection of Steel Infrastructure

Video | 20 Years ENAC

News Audio-Video, News ENAC, News ENAC Community

ENAC Dean Claudia Binder and Associate Deans Katrin Beyer and Vincent Kaufmann used the anniversary celebration as an opportunity to present their strategy and outlook for the future, framed in three questions. Read more about ENAC 20 Years anniversary

Urban Landscapes And Health Outcomes In Côte d’Ivoire

Open Data, Open Science

Open data sources can assess basic indicators related to demography essential to urban and human development.

Solving Contact Mechanics Problems With Tamaas

Open Science, Open Software

Tamaas solves contact mechanics problems with periodic rough surfaces, plasticity, adhesion and friction using the boundary element method.

Open Data for Old and New Stone Masonry buildings

Open Data, Open Science

Experimental data of cyclic experiments on rubble stone Masonry walls can be key for seismic assessment on historical structures.

Visual Navigation Machine Learning Competition


No GPS, no problem ! Today drones and other aerial autonomous systems for navigation and control depend heavily on the robustness of GNSS reception for their position estimation. The objective of this competition is to ask users around the world to contribute to TOPO’s research by building and training a model that can be used (…)

Hybrid Timber-stone Structures fabrication

ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants, ENAC-IT4Research

Traditional hybrid stone-timber structures are part of an ancient craftsmanship heritage which is labor-intensive and requires qualified workers. Nevertheless, these dry and glue-free construction systems using locally available materials have all the qualities defined today as sustainable: reuse of mineral waste, low embodied energy, low embodied water content, demountable, cement-free; and moreover earthquake-resistant. Therefore, the (…)