The territory as interface in the co-production of urban intelligences
Understanding people’s sense of place and how citizens are affected by their built environment plays a crucial role to address socio-ecological questions, collective engagements and reach more human and resilient cities. This project will develop transdisciplinary methodologies to gather, engage and transfer communities’ local intelligences. With an aim to intensify the connection between culture and territory—, a set of interrelated needs between different actors of the commune of Vernier will be developed seeking to a valorization of the territory as a shared resource.
The project, as a collaboration with the Culture service of Vernier and the curator Hélène Mariéthoz, intends to activate transversal exchanges between researchers, workers shaping the territory of the commune, inhabitants and artists. The territory as interface will be a playground to address and explore the notion of place attachment and affective reach.
This project departs from two previous projects : From one side the 2020 Cluster Grant PLHEBICITE (Planning for healthier and biodiverse cities: linking neighborhoods through active mobility and landscape infrastructure) developed between ALICE and LASIG in collaboration with the IT4R team at ENAC and on the other side the collection and archiving of the cultural and architectural heritage of the Commune of Vernier, done by the curator and commissioned by their Cultural Services in 2020.
The project will rely on an online atlas platform that was created by the team to make mapped knowledge accessible to the diverse stakeholders of the territory. Different collective methodologies based on this spatial mapping will be used, oriented towards ethnographical description and will be a means to collectively translate and convey into a common vocabulary the plurality of voices reunited throughout the process.
General information
- PIs: Lucía Yalon (ALICE/IA)
- Non-academic partner: Ville de vernier (GE) & Curatrice indépendante
- Start date: 01.01.2023
- Duration: 12 months