
Three Instituts to perform cutting-edge research


ENAC researchers work at the crossroads of the built and natural environments. They explore the many facets of our world — from underground microbial networks to complex urban mechanisms — with a clear focus on innovative, sustainability-oriented solutions.

Our three institutes and over 70 laboratories are recognized internationally for their research excellence and their cross-disciplinary approach. Our teams also collaborate with the broader scientific community and various public and private partners within prestigious organizations.

ENAC’s labs are located across three different EPFL campuses (Lausanne, Fribourg and Sion) and benefit from state-of-the-art equipment. They are designed to foster open and reproducible science, paving the way to new discoveries and encouraging knowledge sharing.

Institute of Architecture and the City – IA

The Institute of Architecture (IA) addresses the systemic challenges posed by the ongoing climate crisis, rapid urbanization, digitalization and the threat of ecosystem collapse, as they relate to our built environment. Its ambition is to use transdisciplinary design-focused research to develop coherent, progressive and inclusive visions and solutions for our future, operating as catalysts for the ecological transition that is vital for human habitation on the planet.

Civil Engineering Institute – IIC

The Civil Engineering Institute (IIC) conducts multidisciplinary research with a primary focus on the sustainability of infrastructure and geosystems, new sources of energy, distributed energy systems, and mobility and transportation. Through multi-scale experimental and computational research, IIC embraces technological literacy and promotes open science.

Environmental Engineering Institute – IIE

The Environmental Engineering Institute (IIE) pioneers adaptation to environmental changes as part of sustainable design. Its emphasis is on translational science based on a rigorous understanding of the environment, seamless integration of data and models, humans as integral components of environmental systems, and the development of novel, leading-edge technologies.

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ENAC’s Labs

Acronyme SOILNom complet Soil biogeochemistry laboratoryprofesseur responsable Aeppli MeretInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme BUILD-ONom complet Building 2050professeur responsable Aguacil SergiInstitut IAlieu Fribourg
Acronyme VITANom complet Visual lntelligence for Transportationprofesseur responsable Alahi AlexandreInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme MACENom complet Microbiome Adaptation to the Changing Environmentprofesseur responsable Altshuler IaninaInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme LHENom complet Environmental Hydraulics Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Ancey ChristopheInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme LIPIDNom complet Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Designprofesseur responsable Andersen MarilyneInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme GR-ACMNom complet Les Archives de la construction moderneprofesseur responsable Aprea SalvatoreInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme TPODNom complet Theory and Project of Domestic Spaceprofesseur responsable Aureli Pier VittorioInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme MANSLAB-CONom complet Laboratory for spatial manufacturing – Generalprofesseur responsable Bakker & BlancInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme RIVERNom complet River Ecosystems Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Battin TomInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme LTENom complet Environmental Remote Sensing Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Berne AlexisInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme EMLNom complet Environmental Microbiology Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Bernier-Latmani RizlanInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme EESDNom complet Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Beyer KatrinInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme TRANSP-ORNom complet Transportation and Mobility Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Bierlaire MichelInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme HERUSNom complet Laboratory on Human-Environment Relations in Urban Systemsprofesseur responsable Binder Claudia R.Institut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme CHANGENom complet Laboratory of Catchment Hydrology and Geomorphologyprofesseur responsable Bonetti SaraInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme LAPISNom complet Arts of sciences laboratory – Archives of imaginaryprofesseur responsable Braghieri NicolaInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme GR-CELNom complet CEL Group – Central Environmental Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Breider FlorianInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme SENSENom complet Smart Environmental Sensing in Extreme Environnementsprofesseur responsable Chappellaz JérômeInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme CEATNom complet Urban and Regional Planning Communityprofesseur responsable Chenal JérômeInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme DC-LABNom complet Domestic City laboratoryprofesseur responsable Delhay SophieInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme ADHERNom complet Architectural Design and Heritageprofesseur responsable Devaux ClaudiaInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme ALICENom complet Design Studio on the Conception of Spaceprofesseur responsable Dietz DieterInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme IMOSNom complet Intelligent Maintenance and Operations Systemsprofesseur responsable Fink OlgaInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme SXLNom complet Structural Exploration Labprofesseur responsable Fivet CorentinInstitut IAlieu Fribourg
Acronyme EAST-CONom complet Laboratory of Elementary Architecture and Studies of Types – Generalprofesseur responsable Fröhlich Martin & AnjaInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme LUTSNom complet Urban Transport Systems Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Geroliminis NikolaosInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme PERLNom complet Plant Ecology Research Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Grossiord CharlotteInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme MICROBENom complet Laboratory of microbial physiology and resource Biorecoveryprofesseur responsable Gu WenyuInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme LBENom complet Laboratory for Environmental Biotechnologyprofesseur responsable Holliger ChristofInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme LDMNom complet Media and Design Laboratory (ENAC/IC)professeur responsable Huang JeffreyInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme LANDNom complet Laboratory of Landscape Developmentprofesseur responsable Jessel BeateInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme LMDNom complet Data-Driven Mechanics Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Karapiperis KostasInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme LASURNom complet Urban Sociology Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Kaufmann VincentInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme ICENom complet Laboratory of Integrated Comfort Engineeringprofesseur responsable Khovalyg DolaanaInstitut IIClieu Fribourg
Acronyme LVENom complet Laboratory of Environmental Virologyprofesseur responsable Kohn TamarInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme LSRNom complet Laboratory of Sustainability Roboticsprofesseur responsable Kovac MirkoInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme TOXNom complet Laboratory of Environmental Toxicologyprofesseur responsable Kristin SchirmerInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme RPGLNom complet Rock Physics and Geofluids Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Kushnir AlexandraInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme LMSNom complet Soil Mechanics Laboratory – Chair gaz naturel Petrosvibriprofesseur responsable Laloui LyesseInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme TEXASNom complet Theory and Experience Architecture Studioprofesseur responsable Lapierre EricInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme GELNom complet Geo-energy Laboratory – Gaznat Chair on Geo-energyprofesseur responsable Lecampion BriceInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme CRYOSNom complet Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciencesprofesseur responsable Lehning MichaelInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme GR-URBDEMONom complet Urban Demographyprofesseur responsable Lerch MathiasInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme HOBELNom complet Human-Oriented Built Environment Labprofesseur responsable Licina DusanInstitut IIClieu Fribourg
Acronyme RESSLABNom complet Resilient Steel Structures Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Lignos DimitriosInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme GR-LUDNom complet Ludwig Group / EPFL-PSI Joint Professorship in Solid Waste Treatmentprofesseur responsable Ludwig ChristianInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme RIOTNom complet Research and development for innovation on architecture, urban design and territoryprofesseur responsable Malterre-Barthes CharlotteInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme URBESNom complet Laboratory of Urban and Environmental Systemsprofesseur responsable Manoli GabrieleInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme DISALNom complet Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Martinoli AlcherioInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme LGBNom complet Laboratory for Biological Geochemistryprofesseur responsable Meibom AndersInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme LSMSNom complet Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Molinari Jean-FrançoisInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme STREEMNom complet Sustainable River Engineering, Energy and Morphodynamicsprofesseur responsable Musa MirkoInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme LAPINom complet Laboratory of atmospheric processes and their impactsprofesseur responsable Nenes AthanasiosInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme THEMANom complet Theory of Environment, Material, and Architectureprofesseur responsable Nichols SarahInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme CRCLNom complet Laboratory for Creative Computationprofesseur responsable Parascho StefanaInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme PL-LCHNom complet Hydraulic Constructions Platformprofesseur responsable Perona PaoloInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme WIRENom complet Wind Engineering and Renewable Energy Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Porte Agel FernandoInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme LASTNom complet Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologiesprofesseur responsable Rey EmmanuelInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme ECHONom complet Laboratory of Ecohydrologyprofesseur responsable Rinaldo AndreaInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme CONSTRUCTNom complet Concrete Behaviour and Structural Design Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Ruggiero DavidInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme EERLNom complet Extreme Environments Research Laboratory – Ingvar Kamprad Chairprofesseur responsable Schmale JuliaInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme NanosolarNom complet Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Conversionprofesseur responsable Schueler AndreasInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme ETHOSNom complet Civil Engineering and Technology for Human Oriented Sustainability Labprofesseur responsable Sonta AndrewInstitut IIClieu Fribourg
Acronyme LIFNom complet Laboratory of Imagination and Fabricationprofesseur responsable Taillieu JoInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme LESCNom complet Laboratoire de spectrochimie environnementaleprofesseur responsable Takahama SatoshiInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme LEURENom complet Laboratory of Environmental and Urban Economicsprofesseur responsable Thalmann PhilippeInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme HITAMNom complet History and Theories of Architecture, Technology and Mediaprofesseur responsable Thiermann AlfredoInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme FARNom complet Laboratory of Construction and Architectureprofesseur responsable Tombesi PaoloInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme ECEONom complet Environmental Computational Science and Earth Observation Laboratoryprofesseur responsable Tuia DevisInstitut IIElieu Sion
Acronyme ACHTNom complet Architecture, Criticism, History and Theoryprofesseur responsable van Gerrewey ChristopheInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme GR-MECNom complet Group of Composite Mechanicsprofesseur responsable Vassilopoulos Anastasios Institut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme LAB-UNom complet Laboratory of Urbanismprofesseur responsable Viganò PaolaInstitut IAlieu Lausanne
Acronyme LEMRNom complet Laboratory of Experimental Rock Mechanicsprofesseur responsable Violay MarieInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme LTQENom complet Laboratory for Water Quality and Treatmentprofesseur responsable Von Gunten UrsInstitut IIElieu Lausanne
Acronyme IBOISNom complet Chair of Timber Constructionprofesseur responsable Weinand YvesInstitut IIClieu Lausanne
Acronyme HOMENom complet Laboratory for Human-Oriented Mobility Eco-systemprofesseur responsable Zhang KenanInstitut IIClieu Lausanne