Environmental Engineering Institute – IIE

The scope of Environmental Engineering, with its goal of understanding, assessing and modifying environmental and human systems to achieve sustainable outcomes, is clearly broad. Natural systems can only be understood on the foundation of environmental sciences, and quantified using process-based mechanisms. Similarly, empirical data on environmental systems is vital for developing sustainable designs.
Our Mission
At IIE we advance experiments, technologies and models to study and monitor the geosphere and preserve natural resources today and for future generations. Our interdisciplinary research integrates theory with experimental and computational approaches, from the top of the mountains to the bottom of the sea.
Aligned with this vision, we educate a future cohort of environmental engineers with a strong background in both science and engineering. Our graduates are trained to solve the problems of the future and engage in inter- and transdisciplinary work
We invite you to join us in one of the major challenges facing today’s world: how to live sustainably in this era of rapid environmental change.
- Director IIE
- Prof. Tamar Kohn
- Administrative Assistant
- Carole Loeffen Berthet
GR A1 444 (Bâtiment GR)
Station 2
CH-1015 Lausanne