Anthropogenic activities change the environment on a global scale, impacting the functioning of our planet from the top of the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans. The rapid changes forced upon the natural world are inherently complex interrelated, and affect human societies at every level. To find solutions for the challenges ahead, we need the capacity and readiness to think and collaborate across a broad spectrum of the engineering and natural science disciplines. The core of the Institute of Environmental Engineering (IIE) therefore encompasses a high level of disciplinary diversity, which are firmly rooted in both science and engineering domains. On top of this multidisciplinary core, IIE engages in two domains of research excellence that are unique to IIE: “Alpine and Polar Environments” and “Environmental Sensing”. These domains are leveraged by EPFL’s unique location near the alps (Alpine and Polar Environments) and EPFL’s institutional commitment to technological advancement (Environmental Sensing).