SNSF Career Grants

For any questions on ENAC internal procedures contact us by writing an email to: [email protected]

Closed calls

SNSF Starting Grants 2024

SNSF Deadline: 1 February 2024 (17:00 CET, Swiss local time)

The SNSF Starting Grants (StG) 2024 call is an integrative call that covers aspects of the ERC Starting Grant Call 2024 as well as the SNSF Professorial Fellowships 2024.

Call website SNSF Starting Grants

For EPFL: Please consult EPFL’s toolkit regarding important information, procedures and rules.

Information for candidates who choose ENAC as hosting school:

A) Non-professor applicants who want to submit an SNSF 2024 with ENAC as Host School need to express their interest via [email protected] as soon as possible.

All non-professor applicants must have the support of an ENAC professor who will have to sign a letter stating that should the SNSF StG grant holder leave EPFL, the supervision and financial support of the PhD-students who might stay at EPFL will be at his/her responsibility. Please contact suitable professors as soon as possible to enquire if they would support you and contact [email protected] to receive the template.

The non-professor applicants should send by Nov 15, 2023 at the latest the following documents (as 1 pdf file) to
[email protected]

  • Synopsis of planned research, incl. novelty, challenges, methods (3 – 5 pages)
  • CV and track-record/publication list
  • Letter of motivation (explain choice of Host School and Institute: how do you fit into ENAC School and the selected Institute IIE/IIC/IA) (1 page)
  • Infrastructure needs (1/2 page)
  • The name of the ENAC Professor who will sign the letter regarding PhD students (see above)

ENAC-internal preselection timeline: 

  • Nov 15: Submission deadline for above documents
  • Nov 20-24: ENAC informs candidates if they are invited for an ENAC-internal interview
  • Dec 1-14: Interviews with invited candidates (zoom)
  • Mid to end of December: ENAC informs candidates if their application is supported

For any questions on the general procedures at EPFL: [email protected] 
For any questions on ENAC School internal procedures: [email protected]

B) For applicants who are already professor at EPFL, please get in touch with the EPFL Research Office [email protected].



SNSF Advanced Grants 2023

SNSF Deadline: 31.01.2024 / Pre-registration: 15.12.2023 

SNSF Advanced Grants

The SNSF Advanced Grants (SNSF AdG) replace the ERC Advanced Grants (ERC AdG) and are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to conduct their research in Switzerland. As for the ERC AdG, excellence is the main evaluation criteria and will be assessed based on the groundbreaking nature of the research project as well as on the creativity and intellectual capacity of the researcher.

Toolkit EPFL 2023 call: Application Toolkit

Important: Please inform [email protected] about a planned proposal submission!

SNSF Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023

SNSF Deadline: 1 December 2023

SNSF Postdoctoral Fellowships

The SNSF PF are for early-career researchers intending to pursue research training at a Swiss host organisation. They replace the Marie Skłodovska-Curie European Fellowships for projects at Swiss host institutions and are open to all disciplines and topics.

The EPFL Research Office organises an online Information Event for the SNSF-PF on October 11, 2023 from 11:00 to 12:30.

>> Please register here.

EPFL provides an SNSF-PF toolkit, which includes imporant documents for the preparation of your project proposal.

The submission has to be done via the mysnf platform. Please make sure to get an account on time!

Submission deadline is December 1, 2023.

To obtain the EPFL support letter, please contact [email protected] until November 10, 2023 – instructions can be found in the toolkit.

For any questions or grant writing services, please contact [email protected]


SNSF Ambizione Grants 2023

SNSF Deadline: 1 November 2023

SNSF Ambizione Grants

Ambizione grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution. The scheme supports young researchers both from Switzerland and abroad. Scientists holding non-professorial academic positions at higher education institutions are also eligible to submit an application.
An Ambizione grant covers the grantee’s salary and the funds needed to carry out the project. An Ambizione project grant, however, comprises only project funds. The grants are awarded for a maximum of four years.

Toolkit EPFL 2023 call: Application Toolkit

Important information for candidates who would like to join ENAC: The ENAC School supports candidates who wish to apply to Ambizione grants of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Interested candidates have to contact first a potential ENAC host laboratory at one of the three ENAC Institutes directly, and ask the Host Professor to fill out and sign the Detailed Confirmation Letter (template: see ReO Application Toolkit). The candidate should submit their EPFL pre-application through the EPFL pre-application platform (how: see ReO Application Toolkit), including the Detailed Confirmation Letter signed by the Host professor, by 3 October 2023 at the latest. The ENAC Institute Director will then be able to review and counter-sign the Detailed Confirmation Letter

SNSF Consolidator Grant 2023

SNSF Deadline: 16 October 2023

The call for SNSF Consolidator Grants opened on 3 July 2023.

SNSF Consolidator Grants


  • The scheme is open to all disciplines and topics.
  • Eligibility window (can be extended): PhD awarded >7 and ≤12 years at the time of submission.
  • Commitment letter of host institution confirming to employ the researcher at least for the duration of the project is required.
  • Mandatory pre-registration: September 15, 2023

Proposal submission & support


  • Via mysnf platform – account should be created on time
  • Mandatory pre-registration on September 15, 2023.
  • Submission deadline on October 16, 2023, 17:00
  • For the host institution commitment letter, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible, the latest on October 2, 2023


    • To help with the proposal preparation, find the SNSF CoG Toolkit here.
    • Please register here for an SNSF CoG information event on Wednesday, 23 August, from 11:00 – 13:00.
    • For proposal writing services, administrative and financial questions related to your proposal preparation, please contact [email protected]

Toolkit EPFL 2023 call: Application Toolkit

For ENAC Professor applicants: please write as soon as possible to [email protected] 

For ENAC non-professor applicants: please write as soon as possible to [email protected]