FUSTIC Ecosystem Innovation Day 2024

November 12, 2024

Thank You for an Incredible FUSTIC Ecosystem Innovation Day 2024

What an extraordinary day filled with visionary insights, inspiring leadership, and transformative ideas. The FUSTIC Ecosystem Innovation Day 2024 brought together changemakers, innovative thinkers, and leaders across sectors to drive meaningful action toward sustainability.


Highlights of the Day

Exploring Beyond Technology
Participants reimagined value creation by mapping their business models, generating innovative ideas, and refining strategies using tools like the Opportunity Canvas. The focus on business model innovation showcased how embedding ecosystemic leadership and higher values leads to transformational opportunities.


Shifting Paradigms Together
Inspiring keynotes and thought-provoking roundtables emphasized the power of collaboration across academia, industry, public sectors, and communities.

  • Thomas Robison, Vega, taught us that foresight is a decision-making tool to reduce risks and focus on key factors.
  • Jacques Panchard, InnoPME, helped us debunk myths about innovation.
  • Gregory Bernarda, Up-ruption, explained that ecosystem leaders deliver on societal values across the value chain.


Interactive workshops empowered participants to address critical challenges, predict transformations, and design sustainable strategies for the future.

  • Variatys and the Fresque du Changement engaged participants in understanding how the Geneva Praille-Vernets-Acacias (PAV) project is a profound transformation of how we live and move.
  • Vega used the Opportunity Canvas to look at elements that are relevant to the built environment and how energy and robotics enhance our homes.
  • Up-ruption, introduced the Ecosystem Model at the value level and the common functions that allow the ecosystem to rise.


Heartfelt Thanks

A particular thank you to our sponsors: Thank you to our sponsors and partners: Unlimitrust campus and Economy of Trust team, Etat de Vaud, SPEIEPFL ENAC, and Real Estate Meetings

and to our speakers — Tom Robinson, Jacques Panchard, Gregory Bernarda, Charlotte Jacquot, Jean-Marie Buchilly, and Antonio da Silva— and to our dedicated facilitators—Patrick Meier, PhD, Sarah Godard, Augustin Solioz, Sophie Gaume. Your passion and expertise made this day unforgettable.


Key Takeaway

This event proved the immense potential of collaboration. Together, we are redefining paradigms, accelerating the transition to a sustainable future, and empowering leaders to uncover new opportunities.

The journey toward a circular, resilient, and impactful future has only just begun.

Let’s be the change!


Join FUSTIC Association : info@fustic.org


Photos Credits: Torela Gundishvili, Laurent Fridez, Clément Olivier

Preliminary Schedule

9h15-9h45 : Welcome Coffee

9h45-10h: Official Opening Remarks

10h-11h : Keynotes

In a world of rapid technological change, staying ahead is no longer optional—it’s essential. In this keynote, we’ll explore how industry, government, and society can navigate this evolving landscape. Discover how emerging technologies are reshaping customers, markets, and societal expectations. This session will discuss how to turn foresight into impact.

Why Innovation matters to you: Four myths that need debunking

Innovation isn’t just for the big players—it’s the lifeblood of resilience for any company. In this uplifting session, we’ll challenge common myths, showing how innovation is within your reach, regardless of your size or industry. Drawing inspiration from the journey of Terasol, you’ll discover how embracing new ideas can unlock untapped potential and drive meaningful growth. It’s time to reimagine innovation as the path to transformation and success in your own business story.


Rising to a New Story of Value Creation

A focus on shifting business and public office mindsets from traditional, organization-centric approaches to ecosystem-based value creation.  Indeed, CEOs and leaders will not harness the power of their value chain if they don’t shift their perspective to adopt a comprehensive point of view, just like a city mayor does.  Ecosystem-oriented thinking transcends problems and generates higher value for all stakeholders.  

11h-11h45: Roundtable: Embracing an Ecosystemic Approach to Territories Transition

Charlotte Jacquot is passionate about driving circular economy solutions in business, focusing on transforming climate change challenges into opportunities for building sustainable, future-ready cities. Dedicated to converting ideas into actionable strategies, she is a strong advocate for team achievements, fostering collaboration among stakeholders and championing innovative approaches.

Antonio da Silva has over 20 years of experience helping enterprises evolve and embrace digital transformation. He has driven innovation and best practices across industries such as Health, Manufacturing, Transport, Media, Telecommunications, Public Sector, and Construction. His expertise lies in public speaking, customer-centric solutions, creative problem-solving, and successfully navigating complex environments.

Jean-Marie Buchilly is passionate about management, leadership, and innovation. His mission is to support, challenge, and empower teams to imagine, create, develop, and deploy new products and solutions that keep the organization relevant in existing markets while exploring opportunities in new ones. He is experienced in R&D team management, project management, product development, corporate innovation, and intellectual property management.

11h45: Welcome address from Iohannès Bry, Head of Innovation at SPEI (Vaud State)

Networking Lunch

13h45: Time to reconvene and join the 90 minutes workshops

AI is changing mobility with wide-ranging impact on the economy, society, and the built environment.  The EPFL Vega team will show you the tools you can use to gain foresight into the futures of mobility and its impacts for your strategy, innovation, and new business development.  In this master-class, you can expect EPFL technology trends, gain hands-on experience with selected foresight tools, and discover opportunities for customers and industry.  

Facilitated by Dr. Thomas Robinson, Head of Strategic Foresight, Vega EPFL

La Fresque du Changement introduction
La Fresque du Changement est un atelier d’intelligence collective qui permet non seulement de comprendre et d’expérimenter les étapes et mécanismes du changement, mais aussi d’échanger collectivement sur les enjeux spécifiques d’un projet afin de co-construire un plan d’accompagnement approprié.

L’atelier de la Fresque du Changement avec un projet type lié au PAV
Variatys vous propose, au travers de la Fresque du Changement, d’analyser la dimension “conduite du changement” d’un projet type lié au PAV. Vous aurez l’occasion de travailler et de définir collectivement, durant 90 minutes, un plan d’action approprié pour les trois axes clés de ce projet de transformation à savoir les résistances, les stratégies et les leviers de changement.

Animé par Sophie Gaume, CEO et Fondatrice, Variatys

Innovation is not about superimposing a trendy technology on what you do today. It’s about understanding your own business model and all its components to see where a technological change could add value. To reach new customers? Keep them coming back? Achieve more efficient revenue streams? Reduce costs? In this workshop, you will learn the basics of business modeling and ideation. And who knows? You might come away with an idea that’s really worth testing.

Facilitated by Jacques Panchard, Strategyzer Coach and InnoPME Program Founder

Explore the future of value creation beyond traditional business logic. This workshop will guide you through the principles of leading ecosystems to unlock value for both stakeholders and society.
You’ll learn:

  • How to align organizational goals with societal values
  • Case studies showcasing transformative ecosystem leadership
  • Practical strategies for reinventing your sector

By the end, you will have the opportunity to sign up for exclusive sessions to apply these insights and create a real impact. Don’t miss the chance to shape the future!

Facilitated by Augustin Solioz, Strategic Advisor & Innovation Coach



16h: Wrap up and Apéritif