
Romain Kirchhoff

We discovered the Synnergy project through FUSTIC and brainstormed an innovative solution with consortium members such as SwissInspect. The goal is to provide a digital twin similar to SITG but for other municipalities and cantons that may not have the same economic resources, using our drone-based territorial mapping solution.

Romain Kirchhoff, CEO Uzufly
Philippe Voland

REM Real Estate Meeting animates an ecosystem bringing together real estate economy professionals in French-speaking Switzerland. As part of our events, we are pleased to collaborate with FUSTIC on the INNOVATION AWARD, which welcomes member start-ups of the association. We also have the privilege of benefiting from the quality of Dr. Frédéric Dreyer's contributions, both in leading round table discussions and during plenary conferences on current economic topics. We are already looking forward to continuing this partnership, especially for the Real Estate Week 2025, which we will organize at the SwissTech Convention Center from March 31 to April 4 next year.

Philippe Voland, Directeur et Fondateur, REM Real Estate Meeting SA
Maxime Interbrick

Thanks to FUSTIC, we were able to benefit from the expertise of tenure-track Assistant Professor Kenan Zhang from the Lab for Human-Oriented Mobility Eco-System. We launched a master’s student project to analyze Sparrow pollution data and integrated them into the road network to perform pollution-aware pedestrian routing. The results in Geneva show significant differences between distance-based and pollution-aware routes, suggesting the need to consider pollution factors in pedestrian route recommendations.

Maxime Interbrick, Co-Founder, Sparrow Analytics
Raphaël Herrera

As co-founder and CEO, I joined FUSTIC in February 2024. This unique ecosystem allowed us to meet innovative startups that are market-ready and offer tangible solutions to the construction and real estate sectors, such as Enerdrape. It also enabled us to quickly get to know key players in cities and municipalities, including representatives from the City of Lausanne and Saint-Prex, with whom we hope to implement a pilot project. This curated matchmaking saved us valuable time. I can only thank FUSTIC for delivering on its mission and building bridges between sectors, acting as a true catalyst for change, and accelerating the deployment of multi-stakeholder projects.

Raphaël Herrera, CEO and Co-Founder, GoEko
Sara El Kabiri

Tech or no tech, that’s not the question. The question is how to use the right technology in the right place, and with the right mix. Moving forward sustainably is hanging on taking up this challenge, with sound human, responsible and collective intelligence. FUSTIC is working on that, for our cities, infrastructures and territories.

Sara El Kabiri, Manager of Smart Mobility strategy
Julie Schüpbach

The sustainable world of tomorrow is now. The challenges are diverse, complex and cross-sectoral. In such a context, I am convinced that the impact will only come from holistic approaches, breaking down the vertical silos that block us. FUSTIC bears witness to this vision, bringing together a range of players and helping us, together, to build our new future. It's about time.

Julie Schüpbach, Head of Marketing and Project Management
Marie Laure Burgener

Consolidating urban projects and smart cities requires a citizen-centric approach, based on bottom-up data collection. We therefore need to ensure that our processes and actions become inclusive to reflect society at large. This pre-requisite to achieve the 2030 Agenda also calls for sustainable business models and multi-stakeholders’ collaboration. That’s exactly what FUSTIC offers!

Marie Laure Burgener, Founder and CEO
Eric Plan

The evaluation of a sustainable society must be human-centric and free from any technological dogmatism. The challenge is to get everyone on board with an inclusive innovation approach. FUSTIC's vision fills a gap in this search for solutions for cities, infrastructures, and the territory.”

Eric Plan, General Secretary CleantechAlps
Dr. Peter Richner

The challenges associated with climate change, the transformation of the energy system and the need to implement the principles of circular economy at large scales are all asking for a constructive and effective collaboration between academia, industry and the public sector. The FUSTIC Association can make this happen!"

Dr. Peter Richner, Deputy Director EMPA
Marie-Laure Dalon

We, at Nuesch Developpement Romandie, must accelerate the pace of change towards sustainability. We must innovate, bear alternatives and act to better housing projects, business practices, and urban and territorial planning. Ecology and economic development are intertwined and we are committed to protecting the subtle balance between economic and ecological profitability. FUSTIC is, for us, the true realization of our wish for building a better future together.

Marie-Laure Dalon, CEO Nuesch Developpement Romandie
Anne Mellano

FUSTIC's ambition to connect while transforming cities resonates perfectly with FAIRTIQ's vision of making sustainable mobility simple for people to use. I look forward to participating in this collective effort to develop solutions for a better future."

Anne Mellano, CBO FAIRTIQ SA
Thierry Denuault

Building a sustainable world cannot wait. That is why sustainable construction has been an integral part of Losinger Marazzi's corporate strategy for several years. Doing our part is not enough. By joining FUSTIC and broadening our horizons, we want to mobilise collective intelligence, use the most innovative tools, and create together value through tangible and impactful actions. FUSTIC and Losinger Marazzi share values and objectives. We must act and this is our legacy for present and future generations.

Thierry Denuault, Real Estate Dev. Director
Prof. Claudia R. Binder

FUSTIC association reunifies and embraces challenges linked to the rapid changes to our planet’s environment, driven by urban population growth, resources scarcity and climate change… with increasingly evident ramification that will unfold in the upcoming decades.

Prof. Claudia R. Binder, Dean of EPFL ENAC School
Dr. Frederic Dreyer

I cannot live with the idea that the status quo we’re seeing can’t be challenged. Our kids deserve a better future, and the future we all want starts today!

Dr. Frederic Dreyer, FUSTIC founder and vice-president
Adrien Vieira De Mello

The FUSTIC association acts as an incubator for R&D projects serving the development of sustainable cities. It facilitates the emergence and the realization of innovative projects, requiring the high expertise of the laboratories of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. A key role in enriching knowledge of the territory and accelerating the ecological transition.

Adrien Vieira De Mello, R&D Manager
Philippe Durr

Faced with the growing complexity and lightning acceleration of environmental issues, our responses can only be collective. It is urgent to catalyze and connect our intelligence, our resources, our energies, with as much humility as enthusiasm.

Philippe Durr, Partnership & Alliance Officer Romande Energie SA
Maxim Interbrick

When the change and transition needs to be done, it is nearly impossible to make it without proper platform and people who established. FUSTIC is an amazing opportunity to get both things at the same time!

Maxim Interbrick, Co-Founder CTO Sparrow
Mike Sebaut

Unbridled growth, global warming and the scarcity of raw materials call for the development of a less energyconsuming growth model. To meet these challenges, Helvetia Environnement acts daily at the heart of the territories, to be a player in the energy transition. This is why we believe that joining the FUSTIC association makes sense for our future.”

Mike Sebaut, Communication Manager Environnement SA
Maël Perret

As a technology start-up working for the energy transition of real estate, it is difficult to demonstrate that data can actively participate in the changes of the sector. The FUSTIC association helps us to meet the actors of the field during thematic days and takes an active part in the democratization of digital driven solutions for the environment.

Maël Perret, Founder – CEO E-nno
Ramzi Bouzerda

Droople is committed to make a change on how water usage insights could contribute to a better future for us and our children. Droople is an early believer in FUSTIC, a unique catalyst aimed to building bridges between cities, territories, infrastructures and people and fostering innovation within a common framework.

Ramzi Bouzerda, Co-founder and CEO Droople SA
GIlles Mosca

Climate change impacts us all. We may forever argue about sustainable development, the green economy, and the circular economy. Instead, we must act to deeply amend our archaic operating models to solve rapidly the challenges impacting our cities, populations, territories, and society at large. The astute addition of private and public sectors viewpoints that must integrate technology, economy, sociology, and especially the environment will bring quickly sustainable solutions. FUSTIC is that catalyst and we are honored to be part of it.

GIlles Mosca, Directeur Générale Groupe Henry
Elisabeth Pfund

At B Lab Switzerland, we believe stakeholder governance is key to build a regenerative, equitable and inclusive economy. By bringing together stakeholders along the value chain, we believe Fustic can play a key role in advancing 2030 agenda at the level of cities and territories.

Elisabeth Pfund, STI Swiss Triple Impact Coordinator