
By choosing to study Computer Science or Communication Systems at EPFL, you will receive comprehensive training in a dynamic and constantly evolving field. You will cover all aspects related to the development of innovative applications, from the choice of components to the definition of its architecture, including the specification and implementation of its functionalities. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to thrive in an environment where the use of your future specialty is widely applied.

First preparatory year

The goal of this common first year is to help future students choose between Communication Systems and Computer Science. At the end of the first year, the student will be able to make her or his choice after taking courses in both disciplines. This will allow students to better understand and determine the differences between the two disciplines. A second aspect is the convergence of technological knowledge in Computer Science and Communication Systems. The execution of projects requires skills that are very often on the border of the two fields. To understand the complexity of the systems and to solve problems, knowledge of both fields is necessary.

Why do I have to choose a section when I registered?

For administrative reasons, students must be registered in one and only one section. However, the choice between Communication Systems and Computer Science may be deferred until the end of the first year. Administratively, this choice may result in a change of section.

Will somebody help me choose?

The actual choice of the section must be made at the end of the first common year. The section and the professors giving first year courses, are also available to answer questions relating to the orientation or the choice between the two sections.

I am in another EPFL section, how can I join Computer Science or Communication Systems?

As specific courses are already taught in the first year (propaedeutic cycle), it is only possible to join the Computer Science (IN) section in the first year. 

For the Communication Systems (SC) section, it is possible to join the section either in the first year or in the second year with four first year bachelor courses as admission requirements. The change is possible only once.

For more information contact Cecilia Bigler for IN and Martine Emery for SC. More information: Program transfer


Ready to apply? Check the admission criteria.

Registrar’s office

For questions about registration, studies, mobility options, or official documents.

Recommended and prerequisite courses

A list to help you choose your courses.


The Bachelor Office is your point of contact for your questions. Please contact in priority:

Computer Science
Cecilia Bigler

Communication Systems
Martine Emery

Office hours – INN 112
Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 > 12:00
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 14:00 > 16:00

Deputy head, Bachelor’s and Master’s programs
Eileen Hazboun

Program Director, Computer Science
Prof. Karl Aberer

Program Director, Communication Systems
Prof. Serge Vaudenay

School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC)
INN 112 (Bâtiment INN)
Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne

Access map