Alumni reunion

Date : November 9th, 2019 Time : 10h00 – 14h00 Place : Atrium of the BC building

Dear Alumni,

As you have experienced for yourself, EPFL is a truly unique institution.

The School of Computer and Communication Sciences is pleased to announce that in the frame of the EPFL 50th anniversary this year, you are cordially invited for an alumni reunion taking place on November 9, 2019 in the Atrium BC from 10:00 to 14:00.

This event is specially designed for you. It’s a chance to re-connect with your classmates, hear the latest news from faculty experts, network with fellow alumni during the celebratory lunch.

We hope you will join us!

The Dean of IC School

Please register here to join us

09:30 Registration in Rolex Learning Center
10:30 Welcome by the Associate dean for teaching, Prof. Rüdiger Urbanke
10:45 Edouard Bugnion, Vice President for Information Systems



Pina Marziliano, IC Alumna 2001
Executive Director, The Center of Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Switzerland



Marc P. Stoecklin, IC Alumnus 2011
Department Head, Security, IBM Research, Zürich, Switzerland



Jean-Nathanaël Karakash, IC Alumnus 2004
State Council, Chief of Economy and Social Actions, Canton of Neuchâtel (NE), Switzerland
12:00 Lunch Buffet : a great opportunity to reconnect with your former classmates
14:00 Group picture (place to be defined)


Welcome by the Associate dean for teaching

Title : Changes in computing; impacts on our society

The talk will discuss the societal impact of major computing trends, including cloud computing, data science, artificial intelligence, the ubiquitous digitization of our lives.

  IC Alumna 2001

Title : Evolving from Applied Mathematics to Biomedical Imaging

In this talk, I will share how my experience as a Canadian exchange student in the Mathematics department at EPFL led me to a PhD in Communication Systems followed by an academic career and entrepreneurial sidekicks in Singapore which then sparked me back to Switzerland as the Executive Director of Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), a Swiss research center of excellence founded by five partner institutions UNIL, CHUV, UniGeneve, HUG and EPFL.

 IC Alumnus 2011

Marc Ph. Stoeckin is a Principal Research Scientist and heads the Security Research department at IBM Research in Zürich. Moreover, he is responsible for the “AI for Cybersecurity Operations” strategy at IBM Research. Marc holds a MSc and PhD degree in Computer and Communication sciences from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

Title: The many duals and duels in cyber security — or how I learned to study cats and mice

Cyber security is a constant arms race in which attackers and defenders relentlessly innovate to outperform each other. With every new technology introduced, every new paradigm adopted, and every new era of computing emerged, either side faces new challenges and opportunities — will there be ever a clear winner? In this talk, I will share some insights into the many duals and duels in cyber security and share some insights into how my career, bootstrapped at EPFL, evolved in cyber security research.

 IC Alumnus 2004

Jean-Nathanaël Karakash has been elected to the State Council of the Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel since 2013. He heads the cantonal department for the economy and social action, which includes support for economic development, support for innovation, regional policy, professional integration and employment policy, the fields of migration and intercultural integration, social policy and public statistics. Member of the Socialist Party, Jean-Nathanaël Karakash holds a Master of Science from EPFL in Computer Science and Communication.

Title: Producing real wealth and useful innovations here in the heart of Europe

Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in the world, at the heart of a continent whose industrial base suffers from erosion. Yet, despite fierce competition on a global scale, our country has achieved the feat of appearing year after year at the top of the list, in terms of industrial value produced per inhabitant. How is it possible ? Why is it important? What can be done so that this is always the case in the future?