Ali Ansari | Server Benchmarking with CloudSuite 4.0 | Parallel System Architecture Lab (PARSA) |
Akhil Arora | A Citical Re-evaluation of Neural Methods for Entity Alignment | Data Science Lab (DLAB) |
Akhil Arora | Low-Rank Subspaces for Unsupervised Entity Linking | Data Science Lab (DLAB) |
Akhil Arora | Quote Erat Demonstrandum: A Web Interface for Exploring the Quotebank Corpus | Data Science Lab (DLAB) |
Akhil Arora | Wikipedia Reader Navigation: When Synthetic Data is Enough | Data Science Lab (DLAB) |
Roman Bachmann, David Mizrahi | MultiMAE: Multi-modal Multi-task Masked Autoencoders | Visual Intelligence and Learning Lab (VILAB) |
Atri Bhattacharyya | Midas: Systematic Kernel TOCTTOU Protection | HexHive |
Samuel Chassot | SVSHI: Secured and Verified Smart Home Infrastructure | Dependable Systems Lab (DSLAB) |
Kasra EdalatNejad | DatashareNetwork: a decentralized privacy-preserving search engine for investigative journalists | Security and Privacy Engineering Lab (SPRING) |
Laila El-Hamamsy | Are Primary School Computer Science curricular reforms achieving equity goals? Impact on student learning | Mobile Robotic Systems Group (MOBOTS) |
Laila El-Hamamsy | Are Primary School Computer Science curricular reforms achieving equity goals? Impact on student perception | Mobile Robotic Systems Group (MOBOTS) |
Laila El-Hamamsy | The competent Computational Thinking (cCT) test : Development & validation of an unplugged CT test for upper primary school | Mobile Robotic Systems Group (MOBOTS) |
Benoît Guillard | Deep learning for shape reconstruction and optimization | Computer Vision Lab (CvLAB) |
Siddharth Gupta | Rebooting Virtual Memory with Midgard | Parallel System Architecture Lab (PARSA) |
Vishal Gupta | Komb: Transparent Combining for Kernel | Robust Scalable Systems Software Lab (RS3LAB) |
Samah Hussein | Seeing through Fog: High-Resolution Millimeter Wave Imaging for Self-Driving Cars | Lab of Sensing and Networking Systems (SENS) |
Oğuzhan Fatih Kar | 3D Common Corruptions and Data Augmentation | Visual Intelligence and Learning Lab (VILAB) |
Dina Mahmoud | Remote Electrical-Level Attacks on Cloud FPGAs | Parallel System Architecture Lab (PARSA)/ Stojilovic |
Rob Mills | Robotic systems that observe and modulate collective behaviours in honeybees | Mobile Robotic Systems Group (MOBOTS) |
Christian Mouchet | Multiparty homomorphic encryption and the Lattigo library | Laboratory for Data Security (LDS) |
Solal Pirelli | A Simpler and Faster NIC Driver Model for Network Functions | Dependable Systems Lab (DSLAB) |
Solal Pirelli | Automated Verification of Network Function Binaries | Dependable Systems Lab (DSLAB) |
Konstantinos Prasopoulos | SIRD: A fully receiver-driven datacenter transport with shallow network queues | Data Center Systems Lab (DCSL) |
Aunn Raza | Proteus: taming heterogeneity through virtualization & JIT adaptivity | Data-Intensive Applications & Systems Lab (DIAS) |
Sinem Sav | Privacy-Preserving Federated Biomedical Analytics | Laboratory for Data Security (LDS) |
Aswin Suresh | War of Words II: Enriched Models of Law-Making Processes | Information and Network Dynamics Lab (INDY1) |
Ekaterina Svikhnushina | A Taxonomy of Empathetic Questions in Social Dialogs | Human-Computer Interaction Group (HCI) |
Vinitra Swamy | Bias at a Second Glance: A Deep Dive into Bias for German Educational Peer-Review Data Modeling | Machine Learning for Education Lab (ML4ED) |
Vinitra Swamy | Interpreting Language Models through Knowledge Graph Extraction | Machine Learning and Optimization Lab (MLO), Machine Learning for Education Lab (ML4ED) |
Teresa Yeo | Robustness via Cross-Domain Ensembles | Visual Intelligence and Learning Lab (VILAB) |
Chen Zhao | Fusing Local Similarities for Retrieval-based 3D Orientation Estimation of Unseen Objects | Computer Vision Lab (CvLAB) |
Diyu Zhou | OdinFS: Scaling PM Performance with Opportunistic Delegation | Robust Scalable Systems Software Lab (RS3LAB) |