Study plan – ETH Zurich courses

The semester at ETH Zurich is a mandatory part of the Master’s program. The duration of the semester at ETH Zurich cannot be extended. Students enrolled at EPFL must start the Master’s program in Lausanne. During the program, one semester must be spent at ETH Zurich: 

– Students must take courses for a total of 20 – 35 credits.
– Students must complete a Cyber Security Learning Agreement for the semester at ETH Zurich.

For the courses at ETH Zurich, the regulations of ETH Zurich apply.

Note: Courses at ETH Zurich at the Master’s level are fairly stable, but there is no guarantee that they will be offered every year. For the spring semester, the final cyber security course list will be known by mid-November. For the autumn semester, the final course list will be known by the
beginning of June.

Cyber Security Study Plan (spring 2025)

Group 1 – Core courses – Breadth requirement

CodeCourseEquivalent EPFL Course (*)SemesterCredits
263-4500-00LAdvanced AlgorithmsAdvanced Algorithms (CS-450)autumn 20249
252-0535-00LAdvanced Machine LearningMachine Learning (CS-433)autumn 202410
263-3010-00LBig Dataautumn 202410
263-3845-00LData Management Systemsautumn 20248
227-2210-00LComputer Architectureautumn 20248
263-4400-00LAdvanced Graphs Algorithms and Optimizationspring 202510
263-3855-00LCloud Computing Architecturespring 20259
263-4660-00LApplied Cryptography* (also counts for Depth)spring 20258
263-5354-00LLarge Language Modelsspring 20258

(*) Students may take either the EPFL course or the equivalent ETHZ course, but they cannot count both toward the 30 ECTS “breadth” requirement.

Group 2 – Options – Depth requirement


CodeCourseEquivalent EPFL Course (*)SemesterCredits
263-4640-00LNetwork Securityautumn 20248
252-0463-00LSecurity Engineeringautumn 20247
252-1414-00LSystem Securityautumn 20247
263-4658-00LPrivacy Enhancing Technologiesautumn 20247
227-0575-00LAdvanced Topics in Communication Networksautumn 20246
227-0579-00LHardware Securityautumn 20248
252-1411-00LSecurity of Wireless Networksautumn 20246
263-4567-00LAdvanced Encryption Schemesnot given autumn 20245
263-4665-00LZero-Knowledge Proofsautumn 20245
252-0408-00LCryptographic Protocolsspring 20256
263-4600-00LFormal Methods for Information Securityspring 20255
263-4656-00LDigital Signaturesspring 20255
263-2815-00LAutomated Software Testingspring 20257

Seminar (*)

252-4601-00LCurrent Topics in Information Securityautumn 20242
252-2603-00LSeminar on Systems Securityspring 20252
263-4651-00LCurrent Topics in Cryptographyspring 20252

(*) Across all classes at EPFL / ETH Zurich, only up to one lab and one seminar can count towards the depth requirement (Group 2).

Laboratories (*)

252-0811-00LApplied Security Laboratorynot given autumn 20248
263-0009-00LInformation Security Laboratoryautumn 20248

(*) Across all classes at EPFL / ETH Zurich, only up to one lab and one seminar can count towards the depth requirement (Group 2).

Research project (Semester project)

260-0100-00LResearch projectautumn / spring12

Research projects must be supervised by a professor on the ETH Zurich faculty list. The duration of the research project at ETH Zurich must be 14 weeks, as for a project carried out at EPFL. You should fix the dates for your research project with your supervisor at ETH Zurich at the beginning of the semester.

Other optional courses

All Master level courses at the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. ETHZ Course Catalogueautumn / spring2-18

These credits will be counted as optional courses towards Group 2.

ETHZ Science in Perspective (SHS)

Courses offered by GESS (with the exception of language classes)ETHZ Course Catalogueautumn / spring3-6

How can I view the SHS modules offered at ETH Zurich?

Search for Courses
Semester: select the desired semester
Level: Master’s Degree Programme
Department: Computer Science
Program: Cyber Security Master
Section: Science in Perspective

If you enter the search above, you will get links to all available courses. You can select “Type A” and “Type B” courses. Language courses are not counted.