School of Computer and Communication Sciences

School of Computer and Communication Sciences

We take pride in educating students at all levels in the exciting and world-changing fields of science and technology, performing research that drives forward the boundaries of knowledge, as well as fostering the commercial use of our research and the entrepreneurial spirit of our faculty and students.
The artifacts and software of the technology revolution have changed peoples’ lives in countless ways over the past half century. And, this revolution is not over! The intellectual accomplishments of computer science are diffusing into many other disciplines, changing the way that researchers, practitioners, and people in general see their world and conceive of solutions. We are proud and happy to be at the center of these revolutions.

We offer a bachelor program in Computer Science and one in Communications. We also offer four master’s programs: Computer Science, Communications, Data Science and Cyber Security.

Research in IC spans a broad range of topics. Our faculty members are world leaders in many of these areas, and our PhD students go on to successful careers in academia and industry throughout Switzerland and the world.

Our school works closely with industry, both in Switzerland and throughout the world, to lend our expertise to solve challenging problems and to bring new ideas from our labs into innovative products.
What’s new?

IC and SV Professor Charlotte Bunne has appeared on the popular Ground Truths podcast, hosted by pioneering biomedical researcher Eric Topol, to talk about the recently published paper “How to build the virtual cell with artificial intelligence: Priorities and opportunities.”

03.04.2025 – 18:00 › 19:30 Inaugural Lectures – Prof. Charlotte Bunne and Prof. Thomas Vidick
Discover how AI and quantum computing are transforming medicine and perception in two captivating lectures, followed by an exclusive apéritif. An evening of innovation and discovery not to be missed!

Join the EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) for a faculty position in cyber-physical security, learning sciences, and in security & privacy. Position open at Tenure Track Assistant Professor level.
School of Computer and Communication Sciences
INM 168 (INM Building)
Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel : 41 21 693 52 23
Tel : 41 21 693 81 29
Mediacom : 41 21 693 22 22
Tel : 41 21 693 25 86