Computer Science (SIN)
- Prof. Mathias Payer, Director of the section
Deputy of section
- Eileen Hazboun
- Prof. Clément Pit-Claudel
- Prof. Thomas Bourgeat
- MER Jean-Cédric Chappelier
Intermediary staff
- Clément Burgelin
Student representatives
- Hedi Kharouf / Joe Makhoul (Bachelor, 1st year)
- Ardi Cerkini / Laura Paraboschi (Bachelor, 2nd year)
- Arthur Chalard / Alonso Coaguila (Bachelor, 3rd year)
- Mamoun Imghi / Jacopo Moretti (Master, Computer Science)
- François Théron (Master, Cyber Security)
Permanent guests
- Gil Regev, Mobility Delegate
- Olga Vladimirovna Kasatkina, CAPE
- Jasmine Locatelli
- Antonella Veltro
Communication Systems (SSC)
- Prof. Karl Aberer, Director of the section
Deputy of section
- Eileen Hazboun
- Prof. Katerina Argyraki (Associate Dean for Education)
- Prof. Patrick Thiran
- MER Olivier Lévêque
Intermediary staff
- Simon Guilloud
Student representatives
- Enrique Alvarez Habegger (Bachelor, 1st year)
- Omar Barrada / Wahb Saaidi (Bachelor, 2nd year)
- Antoine Pelletier / Ismail Hammami (Bachelor, 3rd year)
- Robinson Cung (Master, Communication Systems)
- Antoine Buttier / Matthew Meyer (Master, Data Science)
- Salim Najib / Ghita Tagemouati (Master, Data Science)
Permanent guests
- Gil Regev, Mobility Delegate
- Olga Vladimirovna Kasatkina, CAPE
- Martine Emery
Meeting Calendar
Spring 2025 : On Thursdays at 9h15, room BC 410
Additional links (in French only)
- Governance of the Computer Science and Communication Systems sections [PDF]
- Minutes of the Teaching Commission [access restricted]