Principles of Digital Communications

Instructor Emre Telatar
Office INR 117
Email [email protected]
Office Hours By appointment
Teaching Assistant Serhat Emre Coban
Office INR 018
Email [email protected]
Office Hours By appointment
Teaching Assistant Bora Dogan
Office INR 034
Email [email protected]
Office Hours By appointment
Teaching Assistant Adway Girish
Office INR 038
Email [email protected]
Office Hours By appointment
Student Assistant Bassam El Rawas
Email [email protected]
Lectures & Exercises Wednesday 13h15 – 16h00 (Room: ME B3 31)
Friday 13h15 – 16h00 (Room: ME B3 31)
Language: English
Credits : 6 ECTS

Course Information

See the course information.

Moodle link


  • The midterm exam will be held on Friday, April 19th at 13h15.
  • The first lecture will be held on Wednesday, February 21st, in ME B3 31 at 13h15.

Detailed Schedule

Date Topics covered Textbook sections Problem sets Solutions
Feb 21 – Introduction to the course
– Binary hypothesis testing, MAP rule
1, 2.1, 2.2.1 HW 1

Feb 23 – Gaussian noise
– Binary hypothesis testing with Gaussian noise (scalar and vector)
2.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.2

HW 1 Soln

Feb 28 – m-ary hypothesis testing
– m-ary hypothesis testing with white Gaussian noise
2.4.3 HW 2

Mar 01 – (revision)
– Q function properties

HW 2 Soln

Mar 06 – Sufficient statistics 2.5 HW 3

Mar 08 – Examples of sufficient statistics, Fisher-Neyman factorization theorem 2.5

HW 3 Soln

Mar 13 – Union and Bhattacharya bounds 2.6 HW 4

Mar 15 – Continuous-time AWGN channel 3.1, 3.2

HW 4 Soln

Mar 20 – White Gaussian noise, receiver design 3.3, 3.4 HW 5

Mar 22 – Reducing continuous-time AWGN to discrete Gaussian channel 3.5

HW 5

Mar 27 – Isometries, equivalences of system designs 4.1 — 4.3 HW 6

Apr 10