SNSF Ambizione

Institute of Physics

This document describes the process for getting support from the Institute of Physics (IPHYS) for application.


IPHYS accepts both external and internal candidates. Ambizione applicants who would like to be hosted at IPHYS must first be approved by the hosting institute according to the process described below.

Ambizione applicants must be hosted by a research unit and should therefore first obtain support from the host professor.

Upon successful application, Ambizione grantees will receive the title of Scientist (collaborateur·trice scientifique). They co-supervise the PhD students involved in their project, the supervisor being the head of the hosting research unit.

Internal applicants already working at EPFL must beware that the total duration of employment (CDD) at EPFL requires special exception beyond 6 years and can in no circumstances exceed 9 years.

Description of the selection process

Host professors are responsible for the selection of the candidates they would like to support. Supporting a candidate implies that the host professor commits to provide the necessary space and infrastructure for the success of the proposed project, including secretarial support, within the present means available to their unit. IPHYS cannot provide additional space or financial support in case an Ambizione project is granted.

The SNSF is expected to open the call at the beginning of August, after which the Research Office will publish the final application tool kit here. We will then update the present page with the definite procedure and the IPHYS templates for letters (below in the Links section). 


Timeline & deadlines

IPHYS deadlines are at midnight on the indicated date.  Files received after the deadline will not be considered.

IPHYS application deadline: TBA

SNSF application deadline: November 1st, 2024 (17h)

IPHYS Template Host Endorsement Letter

IPHYS Template Detailed Confirmation Letter

EPFL toolkit for Ambizione applications 

EPFL online pre-application form

SNSF Ambizione