The transitional arrangements between the EU and Switzerland allow for Swiss based researchers to apply for the coming Starting Grant call (ERC work programme 2025).
This document describes the process for getting support from the Institute of Physics (IPHYS) to apply as an external candidate, non-professor or PANTT internal candidate (unless the ERC project ends before the PANTT contract). EPFL PATTs can refer to the ERC Starting Grants application toolkit for their own application process
IPHYS accepts both external and internal candidates. ERC Starting Grant applicants who would like to be hosted at IPHYS must first be approved by the hosting institute according to the process described below.
For the purpose of the internal selection process, a professor of the institute needs to endorse the application. ERC Starting Grant applicants should therefore first obtain the support from an IPHYS professor (called the supporting professor in the following).
Upon successful application, ERC Starting Grant awardees will receive the title of Research and Teaching Associate. They head their own research group and supervise the PhD students involved in their project (with co-supervision by an EPFL professor). ERC Starting Grant awardees receive 100 kCHF of start-up funds.
Internal applicants already working at EPFL must beware that the total duration of employment (CDD) at EPFL requires special exception beyond 6 years and can in no circumstances exceed 9 years.
Important note:
Applicants without professor title who must put 100% of their Research and Teaching Associate salary on the ERC project are left with the total amount of about EUR 278’640 which covers just about the salary of a PhD-student for 4 years. With the additional 100 kCHF of startup funds, this gives a total of about CHF 364’700 (based on the exchange rate of 0.95) to implement a 5-year research program. In contrast, PATT applicants whose salary is covered by EPFL have CHF 1’140’000 for direct project costs (based on 0.95 as exchange rate).
Please note that an SNSF call will open on 15 October as a continuation of the SNSF Starting Grants/Professorial Fellowships (it will have another name). This SNSF funding instrument will be more tailored to applicants without professor position. Please pay attention, however, to the different eligibility criteria (see the SNSF announcement).
Description of the selection process
The supporting professor is responsible to ensure that the candidate they support is of outstanding quality. The supporting professor also needs to state in an endorsement letter (using the template provided below) either that they commit to provide the necessary space and infrastructure for the success of the proposed project, or they need to provide a list of required lab (with specifications) and office space. Finally, the supporting professor should commit to provide the extra resources that may be needed to complete the involved PhD theses and must be ready to take over the supervision of the involved PhD students should the grant holder leave EPFL.
The IPHYS selection is based on the following criteria:
- Scientific excellence
- Availability of resources
- Strategic and synergetic advantage for IPHYS.
The procedure proceeds as follows:
- Candidates apply by uploading their file in PDF form to
IPHYS deadline: 26/08/2024
- Applications should include the following documents: CV, publication list, short summary of main achievements to date (max. 1 page), outline of proposed project (max. 3 pages), reasons for IPHYS as host (max. 1 page), endorsement letter from the supporting professor (using the template provided below), budget using the budget calculator provided in the toolkit, copy of first PhD-diploma with date of defence.
- Based on the files provided by the candidates, the Executive Committee and Director of the institute will decide which candidates are supported by IPHYS to submit an application at the ERC. This list of supported candidates will be proposed to the SB Dean who takes the final decision.
- SB will provide the list of supported candidates to the Research Office who will issue the EPFL General confirmation letter.
The application toolkit is available here. Please read all the documents carefully, follow the instructions and make sure that your application file fulfils all the requirements. Incomplete files will not be considered. If you have questions regarding the IPHYS procedure, please contact Blandine Jérôme (, +41 21 69 33376). If you have questions regarding the application toolkit, please contact the Research Office (
Timeline & deadlines
IPHYS deadlines are at midnight (23h59) on the indicated date. Files received after the deadline will not be considered.
IPHYS pre-application deadline: August 26th, 2024
ERC application deadline: October 15th, 2024 17h CET
IPHYS pre-application site:
IPHYS template for endorsement by supporting professor