Zeiss NVision 40 CrossBeam with focused ion beam (FIB) and high-resolution field emission SEM.
Dual beam (SEM/FIB) instrument dedicated to TEM lamella preparation, cross section, tomography and STEM in-situ.
0.1-30 kV Schottky FEG.
1-30 kV Ga liquid metal ion source.
SEM resolution: 1.1 nm at 20 kV; 2.5 nm at 1 kV.
FIB resolution : 4 nm at 30kV.
Equipped with:
- Detectors:
- standard Everhart-Thornley secondary-electron (SE) detector;
- Gemini®column with Inlens (SE) and EsB (Energy selective BSE) detectors;
- insertable 4 quadrant backscattered electron (BSE) detector;
- insertable annular dark and bright STEM detector;
- Oxford Inst. EDX detector (INCAx-act silicon drift detector);
- Gas injection system: Four channel single injector GIS (Carbon, platinum, insulator, water, XeF2);
- Kleindiek manipulator.