Different shared services provide technical support to the laboratories of the Institute of Physics.

Computer Service
The IT teams (PH Buildings and Cubotron) provide, configure and maintain the computer resources.

Clean rooms
The clean rooms allow for the micro- and nano-fabrication and the characterization of components, based in particular on III-V semi-conductors.

Crystal Growth Facility
The crystal growth facility, a complex of chemistry labs, furnace rooms, sample preparation and material characterization lab, aims at the synthesis of crystalline materials from nanostructures to macroscopic single crystals.

Electronic Workshop
The electronic workshops (PH Buildings and Cubotron), when applicable in collaboration with the mechanical workshop, take care of the building and maintenance of customized scientific equipment specifically adapted to the needs of research and/or teaching. They also contribute to developing these original and complex systems.

Mechanical Workshop
The mechanical workshops (PH Buildings and Cubotron), when applicable in collaboration with the electronic workshop, take care of the building and maintenance of customized scientific equipment specifically adapted to the needs of research and/or teaching. They also contribute to developing these original and complex systems.