RTP AS-One AnnealSys

Cold wall chamber furnaces 4-inch (100 mm) and 6-inch (150 mm) versions



RTA (Rapid Thermal Annealing )

RTO (Rapid thermal oxidation )

Diffusion, contact annealing 

Compound semiconductor  annealing 


4-inch and 6-inch wafer capability 

Floor standing system for reduced footprint

High reliability and low cost of ownership

Stainless steel cold wall chamber technology:

High process reproducibility 

Ultra clean and contamination-free environment.

High cooling rates and low memory effect 

A high vacuum version (10-6 mbar) is available

Pyrometer and thermocouple control 

Fast digital PID temperature controller 

Edge pyrometer viewport insures enhanced temperature control of the susceptor for compound
semiconductors and small samples. 

Performance & characteristics

Temperature range: RT to 1000°C 

Ramp rate up to 200°C/s (only max 50°C/s using Carbon plate)

Cooling rate : without

Gas mixing capability with mass flow controllers (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Formiergaz)

Vacuum range: Atmosphere to 2.10-5 mbar
