Gas Pycnometry



Yoan Trolliet


Arnaud Magrez

Booking of the Gas pycnometer

Gas pycnometry is a technique that uses gas displacement to determine the volume and, consequently, the density of a substance by measuring the change in pressure of a known volume of gas. The method is particularly useful for determining the density of powders, porous materials, and other substances that may not be easily measured using traditional methods.

Gas pycnometry is particularly valuable for materials that may have irregular shapes, varying porosity, or are difficult to measure using traditional methods like liquid displacement. It provides a precise and non-destructive way to determine the volume and density of a wide range of materials. This technique is commonly employed in material science, chemistry, and various industries where accurate density measurements are crucial for quality control and research.

Accupyc II 1345

2 Sample holders: 0.1cm 3 and 1cm3

Expansion gas: Helium