Originally from Russia, Lioubov Kiwi got a PhD in 1982 in physical & colloidal chemistry from Moscow University and passed habilitation in 1992 at the Novosibirsk University in Physical Chemistry. She taught Chemical thermodynamics, Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions, Colloidal chemistry and carried out research in the field of heterogeneous catalysis for environmental protection.
In 1994, Lioubov Kiwi enters the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) being appointed at the Laboratory of Chemical Reaction Engineering. Her research activities continue to be in the field of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reactor technology, in particular, the reactors with structured catalytic beds and micro-reactors.
Her current teaching activities include bachelor course “Theory of chemical reactors”, master “Chemical engineering lab and project” and master course “Chemical engineering of heterogeneous reactions”.
Lioubov Kiwi is the co-author of more than 180 scientific publications, patents and book chapters. Between various distinguishes, she received lately Innovation awards from “EniTechnology” (Eni Snamprogetti group, Italy) in 2002, from the Royal DSM Company in 2005 and “Doctorat Honoris Causa” by the Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (Russia) in 2010.
She is currently a member of the EU Research Institute of Catalysis (ERIC), a member of the Working Party on “Chemical Reaction Engineering” of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and of the European Federation of Catalysis (EFCATS).