ISIC Memento – Conferences and Thesis
Modern Organic chemistry-Success stories (CH-642)
Organized jointly by Professors Nicolai Cramer, Jieping Zhu and Jerome Waser, the seminars usually take place on Wednesday at 17:15. Unless indicated otherwise, the lecture takes place in BCH 2218.
Physical Chemistry Seminars (CH-630)
The Physical Chemistry Seminar Series at ISIC.
Unless it is otherwise specified, the seminars take place on Thursday at 17:15 in BCH 2201.
Highlights energy research and chemical engineering (ChE-612)
The seminar series “Chemical Engineering and Energy Seminars ” is organized by Prof. Wendy Queen and take place on Friday at 16:15.
Chemical Biology Seminar Series 3 (CH-637)
The Chemical Biology Seminars Series is Organized by Prof. Christian Heinis, Prof. Beat Fierz and Prof. Angela Steinauer.. It takes place every Tuesday at 16:15 unless otherwise indicated.
AI in chemistry and beyond: Trends in the field (ChE-607)
The Machine Learning Seminars are organized by Prof. Berend Smit, Prof. Clémence Corminboeuf and Prof. Jiri Vanicek, the seminars usually take place on Tuesdays at 15:15. Unless indicated otherwise, the lecture takes place on Zoom.