Bachelor and Master semester projects

From July 15, 2024, the procedure for Bachelor’s and Master’s semester projects carried out under the supervision of a master supervisor affiliated with the Mathematics Section will change.

The new system does not apply to :

  • Master’s projects (PDM) of 30 ECTS: the procedure is to contact supervisors directly.
  • CSE semester projects supervised by supervisors who are not affiliated to the Mathematics Section (e.g. IC, GM supervisors, etc.): the procedure is to contact the supervisors directly.

For semester projects supervised by teachers affiliated to the Maths Section, the procedure is via a form to be filled in and a stable matching algorithm.

Procedure for students

  • Consultation of projects via the form below
  • Possible: make prior contact with the project managers 2-3 months before the start of the semester
  • Choice of projects via the form below: min 3 – max 5 choices must be entered in order of preference (1= first choice, 2= second choice, …, 5= last choice)
  • Before the start of the semester or during the first week of the semester: transmission of project assignments (obtained via the stable matching algorithm)
  • Registration via ISA registration form (before course registration deadline)
  • The pdf is signed by the teacher responsible for the project and sent by email to [email protected] for Bachelor and Master maths semester projects, to [email protected] for Master in applied math semester projects, or to [email protected] for Master in CSE semester projects.
  • At the end of the project, a written report must be submitted to the supervisor in charge of the project:
    • deadline for autumn semester projects: Friday of the second week after the end of classes
    • deadline for spring semester projects: Friday of the first week after the end of classes

Procedure for project managers

  • publication of project offers 1-2 months before the start of the semester
  • Selection of students (who have applied for projects) via a dedicated form
  • Before the start of the semester: transmission of project assignments (obtained via the stable matching algorithm)
  • Signature of ISA registration form
  • At the end of the project: enter grade on ISA by the deadline indicated in the academic calendar
