Contacts and organization

EPFL Academic organisation

Lecturer SMA

Studies Advisor

Bachelor:  Dr. Orane Pouchon

If you have chosen a Track: the professor in charge of the Track.

To get in touch with the Study Councelor, the students are invited to first contact the Section of Mathematics. The roles of the Study Concelour are:

  • Advise students about the curriculum, the choice of optional courses and orientations.
  • Guide students finding themselves in a difficult situation due to unsatisfactory exam results .
  • Help the second year students with their choice for the study trip.
  • In case of a conflict between a teacher and a student, the Study Councelor can act as mediator if the Section Director has a conflict of interest.



Prof. Clément Hongler

Exchange coordinator for the Mathematics Section.

Exchange during the 3rd Bachelor year: students must contact [email protected].

Exchange during the master thesis: students should contact [email protected] for any question related to academic matters. For administrative questions (form to be filled for the SMA, deadlines, etc.), please contact:
– Master in Mathematics: [email protected];
– Master in Applied Mathematics (ing. math): [email protected];
– Master in Computational science and engineering: [email protected];
– Master in Statistics: [email protected]

For both types of exchanges, we request that you read carefully the Information on the Registrar’s office website regarding the application conditions and procedure. Moreover, the specialists at the Student exchange office are available by appointment; to schedule a meeting, please contact the student services desk.

You would like to carry out your Masters project at another university:

First you must find a professor in the Section of mathematics who will be responsible for your project; this person will be the official EPFL project supervisor and will participate in the exam. You also need the approval of the Director of the Section of mathematics; for this purpose, please fill in the request of approval form “Formulaire Master Out EPFL EN” and give it to the SMA secretariat.