Dear PhD students, Dear thesis directors, Dear teachers,
Last week, you received information on the new measures adopted by EPFL following the decision of the Swiss Federal Council, which came into effect on April 19.
In this email, I would like to clarify the measures concerning doctoral studies:
PhD courses
Teachers can hold their classes in person if they feel comfortable about it (e.g., vaccinated, had COVID, …). However, the number of participants should not exceed 50, and the measures on mask wearing, social distancing and room capacity of 1/3 should be followed at all times. Teachers will let PhD students know how their courses will be held. In all cases, anyone who wishes to continue teaching or taking classes entirely online should be able to do so.
Teachers will also inform PhD students on how exams will be held: They can decide the form of the exam, if it is held online, or a project, or in person. In-person exams should not constitute any problem for either the teacher or the PhD student to attend. In-person exams should take place according to the measures specified above (max. of 50 participants, room capacity of 1/3, mask and social distancing).
Candidacy Exams and Oral Thesis Exams
Candidacy Exams and Oral Thesis Exams can be held by videoconference or in person with a hybrid format (in person and by Zoom for some participants). For the in person part, the measures specified above (room capacity of 1/3, social distancing and mask) should be respected. External experts are strongly encouraged to connect by Zoom.
Public Thesis Defenses
Public Thesis Defenses announced using the dedicated form may be held on campus with a maximum of 15 people, provided that social distancing can be maintained between all participants, room occupancy of 1/3 is respected and participants wear masks. Refreshments or cocktails remain prohibited anywhere on campus (even outside).
Access to campus
PhD students are allowed to come to EPFL according to the schedule set up by their laboratory director. PhD students cannot book study places, including the Rolex Learning Center, as undergraduate students have priority.
The Coronavirus info page for PhD students and the FAQs for PhD students will continue being updated.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.
Take care of yourselves and stay well.