Labs list (non exhaustive)

School of Basic Sciences (SB)

LPQ Laboratory of Quantum Physics Topology and Correlations Prof. Mitali Banerjee
LQG Laboratory for Quantum Gases Prof. Jean-Philippe Brantut
CQSL Computational Quantum Science Lab Prof. Giuseppe Carleo
LQNO Laboratory of Quantum Nano-Optics Prof. Christophe Galland
LAPSE Advanced Semiconductors for Photonics and Electronics  Prof. Nicolas Grandjean
SCI-SB-RH Groupe SCI SB Romual Houdre  Prof. Romuald Houdre
LLTPC Laeuchli Laboratory of Theoretical and Computational Physics Prof. Andreas Lauchli
LTPN Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of nanosystems Prof. Vincenzo Savona
LCBC Laboratoire  de Chimie et Biochimie Computationnelles  Prof. Ursula Rothlisberger
LCMD Laboratory of Computational Molecular Design Prof. Clémence Corminboeuf
HQC Hybrid Quantum Circuits laboratory Prof. Pasquale Scarlino
LCPT Laboratory of Theoretical Physical Chemistry Prof. Jiri Vanicek
K-Lab Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements Prof. Tobias Kippenberg
LQM Laboratory of Quantum Matter Prof. Gabriel Aeppli
SQIL Superconductor Quantum Information Laboratory Prof. Vladimir Manucharyan
QIC Laboratory of Quantum Information and Computation Prof. Zoe Holmes
C3MP Chair of computational condensed matter Prof. Oleg Yazyev

School of Engineering (STI)

BIOS BIOnanophotonic Systems laboratory   Prof. Altice Altug
HYLAB Laboratory of Hybrid Photonics  Prof. Cristina Benea-Chelmus
LMIS1 Microsystems Laboratory Prof. Giovanni Boero
PHOSL Photonic Systems Laboratory Prof. Camille Bres
COSMO Laboratory of Computational Science and Modelling Prof. Michele Ceriotti
AQUA Advanced Quantum Architecture Laboratory Prof. Edoardo Charbon
LMSC Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials  Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
NANOLAB Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory Prof. Adrian Ionescu
K-Lab Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements Prof. Tobias Kippenberg
LANES Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures Prof. Andras Kis
THEOS Laboratory of Theory and Simulation and Materials Prof. Nicola Marzari
Q-LAB  Quack Group Prof. Niels Quack
Integrated Nanoscale Photonics and Optoelectronics Laboratory Prof. Kirsten Moselund
EDLAB Electron Device Modeling and Technology Laboratory Jean Michel Sallese
LSI Integrated Systems Laboratory  Prof Giovanni De Michelli
NAM Nanophotonics and Metrology Lab Prof. Olivier Martin
DQML Dynamic Quantum Materials Laboratory Prof. Gregor Jotzu

School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC)

THL5 Theory of Computation Laboratory 5 Prof. Mika Goos
THL4 Theory of Computation Laboratory 4 Prof. Michael Kapralov
THL2 Theory of Computation Laboratory 2 Prof. Ola Svenson
LTHI Information Processing Group  Prof. Emre Telatar
LTHC Information Processing Group  Prof. Ruediger Urbanke
SMILS Information Processing Group  Prof. Nicolas Macris
LASEC Security and Cryptography Laboratory Prof. Serge Vaudenay
COMPSEC Laboratory for Computation Security Prof. Alessandro Chiesa