Automated data copy process from a Windows computer for a instrument

Here are the prerequisites to make this copy:

  1. the computer must be a Windows computer,

  2. it must be connected to the EPFL wired network,

  3. it must be in Active Directory

Checking the prerequisites:

  1. the computer must be a Windows computer
    Start cmd, run as Administrator

  2. connected to the EPFL wired network
    Start cmd, run as Administrator
    ipconfig /all ipconfig /all > myip.txt
    For analysis, send the file myip.txt to your local IT manager.

  3. be in Active Directory
    Start cmd, run as Administrator
    systeminfo | findstr /B “Domain

To copy data automatically

  1. have an Active Directory service account, two possibilities:

    1. Create an ad hoc account in Active Directory, open a ticket (mail to [email protected]) and ask for its assignment in the group STI_STI-IT_3Niv

    2. Use
      Attention is imperative to renew the validity of this account every 9 months.

  2. Have a share accessible by this service account
    If this is not the case, open a ticket (mail to [email protected]) and ask for its assignment in the group STI_STI-IT_3Niv

  3. Register the network connection in the computer.

Automatically connect a share by saving the identity

  1. Run a command line in local Administrator
    Start cmd, run as Administrator

  2. Unmount the volume mounted on the network mount point K:
    net use K: /Delete /YES

  3. Mount the network volume by saving the identity
    net use K: \\\sharepath /savecred /p:yes
    Enter the user name for ‘’: intranet\user
    Enter the password for account_password
    The command completed successfully.

  4. Unmount the volume mounted on the network mount point K:
    net use K: /Delete /YES

  5. Mount share point automatically
    net use K: \\\sharepath

  6. Verify that the share point is mounted
    dir K:

Check that the share is accessible without a password

  1. Run a command line in local Administrator
    Start cmd, run as Administrator

  2. Unmount the volume mounted on the network mount point K:
    net use K: /Delete /YES

  3. Mount share point automatically
    net use K: \\\sharepath

  4. Verify that the share point is mounted
    dir K: