Open Science Funding – Summer 2022

Although open science practice is considered a new standard, there are limited funding possibilities to explore, establish and improve open science practices. Are they?

ETH Domain Open Research Data and swissuniversities established their own dedicated funding schemes to support exactly this objective.  They both jointly organise the Swiss Open Research Data Grants programme. Researchers from EPFL are eligible for both paths. See the dedicated graphic to understand the process and collaboration between both funding bodies. 

Swiss Open Research Data Grants Track A aims to support early-phase exploration as well as the testing and prototyping of a potential open research data practice. It allows for engagement with a community without necessarily creating a final product. The objective is to help researchers explore if and how ORD practices can be developed. The current deadline is 2 August 2022.  You can find more about the specific track and application guidelines here

ETH Domain Open Research Data Contribute Projects aim to support contributions to existing open communities built around ORD. The current deadline is 28 July 2022. You can read more about the specific measure here and application guidelines are available here.